Saturday, September 4, 2010

Is Alpha Market Research, Inc. A Legitimate Business?

Two posts referring Alpha Market Research, Inc. have been published. Readers are recommended to do their own due diligence on the company. On the bottom line, before promoting the company to readers, it has already registered as website tester. It is believed that registrants are not joining a pyramid scheme and the development of the startup business will be monitored.

The business model of Alpha Market Research, Inc. may be debatable. In a website, the author is doubtful about the company since its first appearance in June and is tracking the development. It remains cautious about the legitimacy of the business. Nevertheless, it has not claimed the company as fraud or scam yet. Covering Ponzi Schemes And Internet Crime.

It may promote our on-line storefront here occasionally. But it is not intended to promote scam. It is found in a discussion forum that the poster appears to have found a company that offers make money from home program. A message is posted to promote the program to other readers. Later after a month, it is found that the program does not work as expected and a message is posted to warn other readers.
Project PayDay Very Good Home-based Business

There are business models that may appear not working at the first glance. During dot-com's heyday, there was an Internet advertising company called The company paid members to view advertisement on their computers. Registration was free. The company's practice of compensating existing members for referring new members led it to become one of the most heavily promoted websites of its time. The company was a real business although it survived for only about two years. There is evidence to support this claim because a reward check from was not cashed and recently found among other letters. Although the company had paid out over 160 millions to its members, it is suspected that very few reward checks were not cashed. The financial burden prohibited the company to reward members with cash bonus which was replaced with prize drawing before the company was finally shut down. For additional information about the company and its business, see

There are other business models that reward members and referrals. PayPal is a successful example. Unfortunately, the 5-dollar signup bonus was already cancelled when registering for membership.

In conclusion, paid website testing may be a viable business concept. Alpha Market Research, Inc. appears to be following this path. However, its financial strength and thus sustainability is unclear.

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