Saturday, June 30, 2012
Alpha Market Research, Inc. Update (June 2012)
The website begins operation in 2010 and expires on May 2012.

News Release (Aug 24, 2010): Alpha Market Research To Launch Largest Website-tester Network In The World
Message from CEO Michael Anthony DeBias - 2010-09-20
News Release (Aug 24, 2010): Alpha Market Research To Launch Largest Website-tester Network In The World
Message from CEO Michael Anthony DeBias - 2010-09-20
Friday, June 29, 2012
Smart Money Finding Bargains In Wealth Assets
Equity stock market surges at half year end. Trading activities remain low while market participants are still cautious. Selling is limited since market bottom is reached a few weeks ago. Investors are holding cash to look around for bargains.
Market manipulators have not been able to trigger panic selling despite bearish market sentiment. Market participants do not have much confidence in equity stocks but are not willing to dump the core holding stocks in the portfolio. Therefore trading volume comes mainly from day traders.
As market manipulators are no longer short selling stocks, market participants are less worry of market collapse and begin to pick bargains during pullback. The outlook for wealth assets in the second half year is positive since capital are flowing from low yield money market to riskier assets.

4 Catalysts to Spark an S&P 500 Rally to 1,500
Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management, is sticking by his year-end target of 1,500 on the S&P 500. He's zeroing in on four main catalysts that could spark a rally in the second-half of the year.
First up is Europe. Yes, Europe. Despite the market selling off on the latest round of concerns that nothing will emerge from another European Summit at the end of this week, Paulsen says we've seen this before and it's simply not the crisis it was once considered. He calls it more of a "chronic problem" that will be with us for the next decade, rather than a full-blown imminent threat.
"We've seen how this works out, the Euro fears flare, the market sells off, then they calm down and we go on to new highs," he says. "So rather than Europe fears flaring as a sell signal, I think what it has represented for the last two years is a good buying opportunity."
Second, Paulsen is as bullish on the U.S. economy as it gets these days. In his view, investors are too focused on China and Europe, and overlooking underlying strengths domestically. While overseas economies matter, he believes this year's U.S. growth data has been overstated, understated, and is now balancing out at about 2.5%.
Third, Paulsen points to emerging market economies.
"To me the biggest risk we face is not Europe, it's a recession in the emerging world. If that happens I think the global recovery is over," he states.
But Paulsen sees this as a low probability risk due to accommodative policy measures taken last Fall that will ultimately fuel those key economies to higher growth levels. He believes we'll see evidence of China's slowdown bottoming by the start of the fourth-quarter.
Finally, Paulsen points to earnings multiples. In his latest research note he cities the following:
Trailing 12-month earnings per share are now about $100. Therefore, the price-earnings multiple (PE) on trailing earnings is now slightly less than 13 times and the PE based on year-end consensus estimated earnings is currently less than 12.3 times.
"I think it's cheap," states Paulsen confidently. "We've never in the post-War era had this low of multiples when interest rates and inflation were also this low."
'Check Engine' Light for US Economic Driver Is On
If small business is the economic engine that makes America go, then it's clear the "check engine" light is now on.
New data from the small business analytics firm PayNet shows investments by small manufacturers slowed down substantially in the first quarter. Even more worrisome, those business owners are cautious about growth in the second half of this year. "It's surprising. It's a cooling off," says William Phelan, PayNet's co-founder and president. "If you see the relative changes going on here you can say they really have become more cautious and started to jam on the brakes."
If small business is the economic engine that makes America go, then it's clear the "check engine" light is now on.
New data from the small business analytics firm PayNet shows investments by small manufacturers slowed down substantially in the first quarter. Even more worrisome, those business owners are cautious about growth in the second half of this year. "It's surprising. It's a cooling off," says William Phelan, PayNet's co-founder and president. "If you see the relative changes going on here you can say they really have become more cautious and started to jam on the brakes."
Stocks to Bottom This Week: Charles Nenner
With stocks bonds and gold careening between hope and greed every few days Nenner updated his views and price targets for each of the Big Three.
Having been true to his word and taken money off the table in stocks 3 months ago, Nenner is looking to start getting long again this week. Focused on cycles and momentum Nenner sees a cyclical low coming in the next few days
"People looking for major moves are going to be disappointed," he says. Timing and trading are key as he thinks stocks are going to be locked into a 5-10% range for an extended period.
"First people lost their shirts on the stock market then the gold market." says Nenner. "I'm afraid that now they're going to lose a lot of money on their bond positions."
Of course people have been taking the other side of the bond bet for the better part of three decades, only to see yields drop to previously unthinkable lows.
Those unfortunate souls who lost their shirts on gold buying it at $1,900 may ultimately get bailed out by the markets but not before getting hung out to dry for a little while longer.
With Stocks Down and Yields Low, Is it Time to Buy Junk Bonds?
At a glance you can plainly see if the ocean is at high tide or low tide, and yet it's virtually impossible to detect exactly when the tide is changing until long after it has actually happened.
In much the same manner, the junk bond market looks to be undergoing a major tide change of its own, having just snapped a six-month string of withdrawals. If the tide has actually turned, then the $1.2 billion of new money that poured into high yield funds last week could be the start of a bigger trend.
In fact, over the past three months, when the S&P 500 has shed about 8%, the junk indexes are down less then 2%, and that doesn't include dividend yields of 7% t0 7.5%. It's also worth noting that within this universe Levine says the ratings agencies ''do a good job" and are still powerful—even respected, in as much as they bring order to the system and create opportunities.
Wealthy Swiss Hoard Cash, See Doom for Euro
If you want proof that the world's wealthy are worried, consider this: Swiss banking clients have nearly a third of their portfolio in cash. And one in five believe the Euro will collapse.
The findings are included in a new report from LGT Group, the Austrian banking company, conducted with Austria's Johannes Kepler University. The study found that wealthy Swiss and Austrian private-banking clients remain highly risk-averse and fearful of inflation, sovereign debt defaults and the unstable financial system.
"Private banking clients are still being influenced in their behavior by the turmoil in the financial markets and it appears increasingly likely that this will remain the case for this generation of clients for a long time yet," according to the report.
Market manipulators have not been able to trigger panic selling despite bearish market sentiment. Market participants do not have much confidence in equity stocks but are not willing to dump the core holding stocks in the portfolio. Therefore trading volume comes mainly from day traders.
As market manipulators are no longer short selling stocks, market participants are less worry of market collapse and begin to pick bargains during pullback. The outlook for wealth assets in the second half year is positive since capital are flowing from low yield money market to riskier assets.

4 Catalysts to Spark an S&P 500 Rally to 1,500
Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management, is sticking by his year-end target of 1,500 on the S&P 500. He's zeroing in on four main catalysts that could spark a rally in the second-half of the year.
First up is Europe. Yes, Europe. Despite the market selling off on the latest round of concerns that nothing will emerge from another European Summit at the end of this week, Paulsen says we've seen this before and it's simply not the crisis it was once considered. He calls it more of a "chronic problem" that will be with us for the next decade, rather than a full-blown imminent threat.
"We've seen how this works out, the Euro fears flare, the market sells off, then they calm down and we go on to new highs," he says. "So rather than Europe fears flaring as a sell signal, I think what it has represented for the last two years is a good buying opportunity."
Second, Paulsen is as bullish on the U.S. economy as it gets these days. In his view, investors are too focused on China and Europe, and overlooking underlying strengths domestically. While overseas economies matter, he believes this year's U.S. growth data has been overstated, understated, and is now balancing out at about 2.5%.
Third, Paulsen points to emerging market economies.
"To me the biggest risk we face is not Europe, it's a recession in the emerging world. If that happens I think the global recovery is over," he states.
But Paulsen sees this as a low probability risk due to accommodative policy measures taken last Fall that will ultimately fuel those key economies to higher growth levels. He believes we'll see evidence of China's slowdown bottoming by the start of the fourth-quarter.
Finally, Paulsen points to earnings multiples. In his latest research note he cities the following:
Trailing 12-month earnings per share are now about $100. Therefore, the price-earnings multiple (PE) on trailing earnings is now slightly less than 13 times and the PE based on year-end consensus estimated earnings is currently less than 12.3 times.
"I think it's cheap," states Paulsen confidently. "We've never in the post-War era had this low of multiples when interest rates and inflation were also this low."
'Check Engine' Light for US Economic Driver Is On
If small business is the economic engine that makes America go, then it's clear the "check engine" light is now on.
New data from the small business analytics firm PayNet shows investments by small manufacturers slowed down substantially in the first quarter. Even more worrisome, those business owners are cautious about growth in the second half of this year. "It's surprising. It's a cooling off," says William Phelan, PayNet's co-founder and president. "If you see the relative changes going on here you can say they really have become more cautious and started to jam on the brakes."
If small business is the economic engine that makes America go, then it's clear the "check engine" light is now on.
New data from the small business analytics firm PayNet shows investments by small manufacturers slowed down substantially in the first quarter. Even more worrisome, those business owners are cautious about growth in the second half of this year. "It's surprising. It's a cooling off," says William Phelan, PayNet's co-founder and president. "If you see the relative changes going on here you can say they really have become more cautious and started to jam on the brakes."
Stocks to Bottom This Week: Charles Nenner
With stocks bonds and gold careening between hope and greed every few days Nenner updated his views and price targets for each of the Big Three.
Having been true to his word and taken money off the table in stocks 3 months ago, Nenner is looking to start getting long again this week. Focused on cycles and momentum Nenner sees a cyclical low coming in the next few days
"People looking for major moves are going to be disappointed," he says. Timing and trading are key as he thinks stocks are going to be locked into a 5-10% range for an extended period.
"First people lost their shirts on the stock market then the gold market." says Nenner. "I'm afraid that now they're going to lose a lot of money on their bond positions."
Of course people have been taking the other side of the bond bet for the better part of three decades, only to see yields drop to previously unthinkable lows.
Those unfortunate souls who lost their shirts on gold buying it at $1,900 may ultimately get bailed out by the markets but not before getting hung out to dry for a little while longer.
With Stocks Down and Yields Low, Is it Time to Buy Junk Bonds?
At a glance you can plainly see if the ocean is at high tide or low tide, and yet it's virtually impossible to detect exactly when the tide is changing until long after it has actually happened.
In much the same manner, the junk bond market looks to be undergoing a major tide change of its own, having just snapped a six-month string of withdrawals. If the tide has actually turned, then the $1.2 billion of new money that poured into high yield funds last week could be the start of a bigger trend.
In fact, over the past three months, when the S&P 500 has shed about 8%, the junk indexes are down less then 2%, and that doesn't include dividend yields of 7% t0 7.5%. It's also worth noting that within this universe Levine says the ratings agencies ''do a good job" and are still powerful—even respected, in as much as they bring order to the system and create opportunities.
Wealthy Swiss Hoard Cash, See Doom for Euro
If you want proof that the world's wealthy are worried, consider this: Swiss banking clients have nearly a third of their portfolio in cash. And one in five believe the Euro will collapse.
The findings are included in a new report from LGT Group, the Austrian banking company, conducted with Austria's Johannes Kepler University. The study found that wealthy Swiss and Austrian private-banking clients remain highly risk-averse and fearful of inflation, sovereign debt defaults and the unstable financial system.
"Private banking clients are still being influenced in their behavior by the turmoil in the financial markets and it appears increasingly likely that this will remain the case for this generation of clients for a long time yet," according to the report.
Thursday, June 28, 2012

人民力量執委會 謹啟


Friday, June 22, 2012
「梁振英當選 香港危急存亡」 蕭若元參選 抗威權政府 (原載《am730》)

文:鄭秀韻 圖:梁靖鏘
【蘋果動新聞】龍心拎住碌蔗 TVB 等女
言行皆出位的「維園霆鋒」龍心,近日獲邀做 online game 代言人,他以多個 chok 爆造型示人。龍心前晚還企圖拿着兩碌蔗硬闖無綫,希望覓得美女返歸陪打機,可惜最終無癮食白果而回。
Investors Take Profit After Rebound
After a strong rebound in the previous week, market encounters selling pressure as market participants take profit on earlier bargain buys. Smart investors seem to have learned the trick to buy low and sell high in a range bounded market. Market manipulators remain skeptical on market outlook as household investors are extremely cautious on equities and only allocate small portion of the portfolio in stocks. But as individual investors are no longer dumping stocks, short selling from market manipulators would not drive the herd into panic selling.
Traders have plenty of unfavorable news to drag down market. However, stock holders are not willing to sell at beaten down price. Therefore although market wavers on news, trading activity remains low. Smart traders find opportunity in swing trading while investors remain sitting on existing portfolio with limited stock exposure and large amount of cash without significant buying or selling.
Market manipulators are using news to weight down market for the bearish positions. But making profit is not as easy as in last year because market participants have paid heavy cost to learn the trick and will not make similar mistake again by staying on the sideline. However, speculators can use this opportunity to make profit in market cycles. When market drops to bottom, buy at a bargain with cash while other market participants are fear of market collapse. When market rallies, take profit and use the cash to wait for another buying opportunity while traders and market manipulators start selling.

The Big Conundrum: Stocks or Bonds?
As the sovereign debt debacle in Europe slogs along, and with the global economic recovery seemingly stalled out, investors and analysts are sizing up a drastically reshaped global landscape.
In this increasingly volatile market, some see stocks as having much better prospects than bonds, assuming Europe rights itself and the economic recovery finally takes off. Others believe the three-decade bull market for bonds still has legs.
A lot may depend on your inflation outlook - but bonds, particularly Treasurys, have performed so well for so long, it's hard to think fixed income is the horse to ride. At the same time, stocks have been full of disappointment lately, and investors are much more risk-conscious today.
Indeed, investors today remain confused because although stocks look attractively valued for the long term, their emotions are whipsawed by almost daily fluctuations in the global equity markets and constant reminders that another Lehman-like catastrophe could be brewing in Europe. At the same time, they are being advised by bond experts that Treasury bonds are likely the next bubble.
"Stocks are very cheap," adds Charles Rotblut, editor of the AAII (American Association of Individual Investors) Journal. "But we are facing a situation where things could go right or they could go wrong. So, while stocks look very attractive over the long-term, there are issues that could hurt their short-term returns."
At the same time he warns investors to be judicious because except for Treasury bonds, most other fixed-income assets have been moving in tandem with the equity markets, diminishing their diversification benefits.
Net Worth Implosion: It's Not Just Housing
New Census Bureau data shows that median household net worth, excluding home equity, fell by 25% between 2005 and 2010. That decline was driven largely by the plummeting stock market, which devastated Americans' portfolios and retirement accounts.
"One of the significant factors is housing, of course, but it's not that alone" said Alfred Gottschalck, an economist with the Census Bureau. "It's how business conditions affect stock and retirement accounts."
Forget Summer Swoon, This Is A Buying Opportunity: Wilkinson
With the price of safety, as measured by demand for the 10-year Treasury, trading near an all time high, it is fair to say that the price of risk, as measured by the S&P 500, is comparably cheap right now. Put another way, to some investors, there's nothing but downside for debt and nothing but upside for stocks.
To be fair, this is not to say that markets won't continue to be risky, volatile and frustrating, but rather, that over time, look set to deliver superior returns especially if you believe they'll be guided by the Fed.
US Stocks Cheap? 'You're Wrong': Grantham
Considered one of the finest investors of his generation, GMO co-founder Jeremy Grantham is known best for his bearish views on U.S. equities. At the Morningstar Investment Conference on Friday, he's upholding that reputation. Outside of the U.S., however, his views are much more bullish.
"Equities are boring; bonds are disgusting," said Grantham. "It's a difficult environment to operate in."
Grantham thinks US corporate earnings are "abnormally high," for two main reasons: He sees profit margins trending up as government debt increases - "this is an artificial prop to the market" - and an overly bullish bias because being bearish is "bad for business."
In particular, Grantham cites energy, metals and food - limited resources sure to be stretched by China's rapidly growing demand - as opportunities for the internationally minded investor.
"We live on a finite planet," he said. "We have finite resources, and we're running out of good arable land."
Traders have plenty of unfavorable news to drag down market. However, stock holders are not willing to sell at beaten down price. Therefore although market wavers on news, trading activity remains low. Smart traders find opportunity in swing trading while investors remain sitting on existing portfolio with limited stock exposure and large amount of cash without significant buying or selling.
Market manipulators are using news to weight down market for the bearish positions. But making profit is not as easy as in last year because market participants have paid heavy cost to learn the trick and will not make similar mistake again by staying on the sideline. However, speculators can use this opportunity to make profit in market cycles. When market drops to bottom, buy at a bargain with cash while other market participants are fear of market collapse. When market rallies, take profit and use the cash to wait for another buying opportunity while traders and market manipulators start selling.

The Big Conundrum: Stocks or Bonds?
As the sovereign debt debacle in Europe slogs along, and with the global economic recovery seemingly stalled out, investors and analysts are sizing up a drastically reshaped global landscape.
In this increasingly volatile market, some see stocks as having much better prospects than bonds, assuming Europe rights itself and the economic recovery finally takes off. Others believe the three-decade bull market for bonds still has legs.
A lot may depend on your inflation outlook - but bonds, particularly Treasurys, have performed so well for so long, it's hard to think fixed income is the horse to ride. At the same time, stocks have been full of disappointment lately, and investors are much more risk-conscious today.
Indeed, investors today remain confused because although stocks look attractively valued for the long term, their emotions are whipsawed by almost daily fluctuations in the global equity markets and constant reminders that another Lehman-like catastrophe could be brewing in Europe. At the same time, they are being advised by bond experts that Treasury bonds are likely the next bubble.
"Stocks are very cheap," adds Charles Rotblut, editor of the AAII (American Association of Individual Investors) Journal. "But we are facing a situation where things could go right or they could go wrong. So, while stocks look very attractive over the long-term, there are issues that could hurt their short-term returns."
At the same time he warns investors to be judicious because except for Treasury bonds, most other fixed-income assets have been moving in tandem with the equity markets, diminishing their diversification benefits.
Net Worth Implosion: It's Not Just Housing
New Census Bureau data shows that median household net worth, excluding home equity, fell by 25% between 2005 and 2010. That decline was driven largely by the plummeting stock market, which devastated Americans' portfolios and retirement accounts.
"One of the significant factors is housing, of course, but it's not that alone" said Alfred Gottschalck, an economist with the Census Bureau. "It's how business conditions affect stock and retirement accounts."
Forget Summer Swoon, This Is A Buying Opportunity: Wilkinson
With the price of safety, as measured by demand for the 10-year Treasury, trading near an all time high, it is fair to say that the price of risk, as measured by the S&P 500, is comparably cheap right now. Put another way, to some investors, there's nothing but downside for debt and nothing but upside for stocks.
To be fair, this is not to say that markets won't continue to be risky, volatile and frustrating, but rather, that over time, look set to deliver superior returns especially if you believe they'll be guided by the Fed.
US Stocks Cheap? 'You're Wrong': Grantham
Considered one of the finest investors of his generation, GMO co-founder Jeremy Grantham is known best for his bearish views on U.S. equities. At the Morningstar Investment Conference on Friday, he's upholding that reputation. Outside of the U.S., however, his views are much more bullish.
"Equities are boring; bonds are disgusting," said Grantham. "It's a difficult environment to operate in."
Grantham thinks US corporate earnings are "abnormally high," for two main reasons: He sees profit margins trending up as government debt increases - "this is an artificial prop to the market" - and an overly bullish bias because being bearish is "bad for business."
In particular, Grantham cites energy, metals and food - limited resources sure to be stretched by China's rapidly growing demand - as opportunities for the internationally minded investor.
"We live on a finite planet," he said. "We have finite resources, and we're running out of good arable land."
Sunday, June 17, 2012
IFPI welcomes closure of unlicensed music forum Fdzone.org
The IFPI has welcomed the closure of Fdzone.org (also known as P2PZone), an unlicensed music forum which is believed to have gained its operators $1.5 million in profits.
The forum, which was shut down by Macau and Hong Kong customs officials, had been running since 2003 and had amassed almost 900,000 users.
Officers from the Macau Customs Service and Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department raided premises associated with Fdzone on June 7, following a complaint from IFPI.
The suspected operator of the service was arrested, along with three other people who are believed to have handled illegal proceeds generated by the forum. Customs officials also seized computers, servers, cash, credit cards and documentation in the raids.
It’s alleged that the site made substantial revenues from subscription and advertising but the site's operator is believed to have begun charging users for access from 2009.
The fee was recently increased, despite the implementation of the newly-revised copyright law in Macau that toughened penalties on those making a profit from copyright infringement. The operator is also believed to have made around US$650 daily from advertising fees.
The unlicensed forum contained thousands of infringing links to Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Western repertoire. Some of these links were to files containing large compilations of work by different artists.
“We are delighted that Macau and Hong Kong Customs officials have acted promptly on our complaints and taken action to close this lucrative unlicensed business down,” said regional director of IFPI Asia Leong Mayseey.
“Copyright-infringing sites such as FDZone.org are a huge problem for legal music services in the region which offer consumers a great service while respecting artists and songwriters. Actions such as these are great help in boosting that legitimate business.”
The forum, which was shut down by Macau and Hong Kong customs officials, had been running since 2003 and had amassed almost 900,000 users.
Officers from the Macau Customs Service and Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department raided premises associated with Fdzone on June 7, following a complaint from IFPI.
The suspected operator of the service was arrested, along with three other people who are believed to have handled illegal proceeds generated by the forum. Customs officials also seized computers, servers, cash, credit cards and documentation in the raids.
It’s alleged that the site made substantial revenues from subscription and advertising but the site's operator is believed to have begun charging users for access from 2009.
The fee was recently increased, despite the implementation of the newly-revised copyright law in Macau that toughened penalties on those making a profit from copyright infringement. The operator is also believed to have made around US$650 daily from advertising fees.
The unlicensed forum contained thousands of infringing links to Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Western repertoire. Some of these links were to files containing large compilations of work by different artists.
“We are delighted that Macau and Hong Kong Customs officials have acted promptly on our complaints and taken action to close this lucrative unlicensed business down,” said regional director of IFPI Asia Leong Mayseey.
“Copyright-infringing sites such as FDZone.org are a huge problem for legal music services in the region which offer consumers a great service while respecting artists and songwriters. Actions such as these are great help in boosting that legitimate business.”
少林博士第一人 科學說氣功 (原載《明報》)

苦等20年 終成少林弟子
傳統智慧 釋放人體能量
這不是中國獨有鬼,梁博士解釋﹕「全世界都有人體能量的practice,像南美洲、印度,以前的戰士打仗前會做某些儀式,刺激身體,變成great warriors。」他給予自己的研究這個名稱——中國古代人體能量科學,就是要以科學精神,借助解剖學、神經系統、人體結構、血液系統等種種生理心理知識,配合中醫所講的內氣、經絡研究,探求中國民族文化經過時間考驗流傳下來的智慧,釐清種種誤解﹕「『能量』之於中國人,就是外氣、內氣。『人體』要鍛煉,除了外功,也有內功,才能吸收宇宙能量。我們所講究的天人感應,看似玄妙,其實就似是皮膚若不曬太陽的話,會欠缺維他命D一樣的道理,外氣(太陽)對細胞產生影響。」所以這不但與迷信無關,更是種科學。
文 饒雙宜
圖 陳淑安、受訪者提供
編輯 方曉盈、陳嘉文
Saturday, June 16, 2012
【蘋果動新聞】龍心晒 J 借警兇牛佬
繼上人網抽仙樂都水同涉嫌六四集會時 喺 阿夢岑寶兒面前自瀆後,「維園霆鋒」龍心(定係絕心)人氣幾何級數上升,唔知係真癲定假癲 嘅 佢,日日例行拎住佢部 focus 唔到 嘅 Sony 上街拍片,睇 吓 拍唔拍到正 嘢 放上 YouTube ,俾班信眾 喺 電腦前自 high 頂癮。
前日龍心殺到去旺角,估唔到又有收穫。當日佢見到有皇氣,即時當街叫囂:「邊個係黑社會,全部同我『響朵』!」之後又話:「旺角我 揸 旗, do you understand ?」唔知係咪呢句辣 㷫 咗 班 MK 友,突然有個自稱「牛佬」 嘅 大隻佬殺出,作狀自摸下體 嚟 問龍心:「係咪咁 揸 旗?」走 嗰 陣又向龍心舉中指,搞到俾龍心寸:「走住 嚟 X ,冇 X 用!」
Friday, June 15, 2012
Market Moved By Speculation And Hot Money
Market has strong support after reaching bottom predicted in the previous week. As mentioned in earlier post, there is tremendous amount of money looking for bargain in equity stock market. Liquidity in capital market creates turbulence. But on the other hand, fear of market collapse makes investors hesitate. Traders and market manipulators use Euro zone crisis to beat down market and market participants are reluctant to buy although market valuation is attractive.
Speculators find opportunity in swing trading as low valuation attracts buyers but market fear encourages profit taking. The conflicting factors, in addition of hot money, creates turbulence in equity stock market. The currency and commodities market are also affected as hot capital is looking for investment return. Bond market is safe heaven in short or long term aspect. Liquidity in capital market is tremendous but only small fraction is driving the real economy through lending to facilitate business operation.
Market should remain range bounded as market participants are still very cautious. After the strong rebound, many investors will realize profit and wait for another opportunity. Smart traders and market manipulators have already taken profit when market hovers near bottom. There is not yet sign of turning optimistic. There are still many uncertainties and coming news to drag down market. Overall participation in market activities remains low among household investors. Hedge funds are gradually accumulating stocks due to net inflow of capital and attractive market valuation.

Goldman Sees a 29% Return From Commodities Over 12 Months
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said it expects a 29 percent return from the Standard & Poor's GSCI Enhanced Commodity Index over the next 12 months, with the biggest gains in energy and base metals.
Policymakers in Europe will be able to contain the continent's debt crisis, while recovery in the U.S. and China is set to continue, Jeffrey Currie, head of commodities research in New York, said today in a report. Returns on energy investments may be 41 percent in 12 months, compared with 23 percent in base metals and 18 percent in precious metals, while agriculture is forecast to lose 14 percent in the period, according to the report.
"Although the macroeconomic backdrop still remains uncertain, particularly in Europe, we believe that the sell-off in commodity prices is likely overdone and the price risks are shifting more to the upside," Currie wrote.
Bond Bubble Dismissed as Low Yields Echo Pimco's New Normal
Mohamed El-Erian knows why bond markets from the U.S. to Germany to Brazil, where yields have dropped to record lows even though debt has ballooned to more than $40 trillion worldwide, aren't a bubble waiting to burst.
The average yield on bonds issued by the Group of Seven nations has fallen to 1.120 percent from 3 percent in 2007, Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data show. Germany's two-year note yield fell below zero for the first time on June 1, while Switzerland's has been negative since April 24, meaning investors are paying for the right to lend the nation money.
Yields on government securities in the U.S., Germany, the U.K., Austria, the Netherlands, Finland and Australia tumbled to all-time lows this month as Europe's debt crisis intensified, manufacturing worldwide slowed and unemployment in the U.S. unexpectedly rose.
"You're not talking about a bubble because a bubble is about greed," Jeffrey Rosenberg, chief investment strategist for fixed income at BlackRock Inc. in New York, which has $3.68 trillion under management, said in a June 6 telephone interview. "That's not a reflection of ‘I expect prices to go higher and I have to jump in,' that's a reflection of ‘I want to preserve my principal.' Negative yields reflect fear."
Pimco officials point to Japan, which has been in and out of recession since the mid-1990s, as what the new normal would look like. Even though it has the world's largest debt load at more than $11 trillion, Japan has some of the world's lowest bond yields because of years of below-average growth.
"In many ways, we are replicating the Japanese experience," George Magnus, senior economic adviser in London at UBS AG, said in a June 5 telephone interview. "Banks and households have become overextended, and now we know governments have also become overextended. The problem is that the deleveraging means people are saving more. There is no sufficient spending and lending to boost the economy."
Central banks, including the Fed, ECB and Bank of Japan, have helped soak up the extra supply as policy makers injected money into their economies by purchasing government securities. The balance sheets of the world's six biggest central banks have more than doubled since 2006 to $13.2 trillion, according to Chicago-based Bianco Research LLC.
"Yields are extremely low for a very good reason, and that's fear," Stuart Thomson, a money manager at Ignis Asset Management in Glasgow, which oversees about $115 billion, said in an interview on June 1. "I don't see us heading into a bear market."
Citizenship for sale: Foreign investors flock to U.S.
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin drew public ire last month following the revelation that he had renounced his U.S. citizenship, a move widely seen as a tax dodge. But thousands of wealthy foreigners are lining up to replace him, making investments here and putting themselves on a path to citizenship in the process.
The State Department expects to issue over 6,000 "investor visas" in the current fiscal year, which would be an all-time record. Other countries, meanwhile, are following the U.S.'s lead, keen to spur growth in lean economic times.
Under the government's EB-5 Immigrant Investor program, foreign investors can get conditional visas that allow them and their families to live, work and attend school in the U.S. To qualify for the visa, they must invest at least $1 million in a new or recently created business, or $500,000 for businesses in rural or high-unemployment areas.
Demand shows no sign of slowing down, either. International travel, banking and communication have become increasingly easy, while Asia, in particular, is minting new millionaires at a rapid pace.
Foreign holdings of US debt hit record high
Foreign demand for U.S. Treasury securities rose to a record high in April. China, the largest buyer of Treasury debt, increased its holdings slightly after trimming them for two straight months.
Demand for Treasury securities has remained strong despite the first-ever downgrade of the government's debt last August. Standard & Poor's lowered its rating on long-term Treasury debt one notch from AAA to AA+ following a prolonged debate in Congress over increasing the nation's borrowing limit.
Last week, S&P reaffirmed that rating and said it was keeping a negative outlook on the rating for the future.
Is High Frequency Trading Ruining the Market?
High-frequency trading (HFT) is a market-skewing, artificial form of speculation that places undo pressure on already fragile markets, which, by doing so, increases the risk of another flash crash or something much worse. HFT accounts for over 50% of all trading volumes, further distancing individual investors from the market and eliminating virtually any link between valuation and market price.
These trades are all based on picking up the next penny of a stock's move. The programs look for any indication of direction—be it order imbalance, momentum tells, or whatever else can be jammed into an algorithm—and jumps in front of the trade. The goal is to buy a few thousand shares ahead of a tiny move, and then sell when the move arrives. Repeat the process millions of times a year and it adds up to real profits for HFT firms.
The high-frequency trades run amok because there is no longer a market maker (read: human) in the middle of the trading process. The function of matching every buyer with a seller is fully automated, eliminating what Saluzzi calls a "shock absorber" for stocks. As a result, too many program trades can create vacuums where prices lurch beyond where they otherwise might be, as the HFT merrily picks off market orders made by actual people.
Contrarian Investing? Forget About It, Cramer Says
In the investment world, a contrarian is someone who takes a position that differs from the majority. If a particular sector is "hated" by most investors, a contrarian might want to buy in. After all, if few investors like the sector, a contrarian thinks there are few people left to sell, making it immune to big declines.
Cramer noted many industrial managers said things were weaker than people thought thanks to fears over Europe's ongoing debt crisis, which means they didn't meet their earnings estimates. Upon hearing this, the few investors who owned industrials sold their shares. The industrial stocks got hammered.
So even the contrarians think that Europe's economy is only getting worse and they couldn't take the pain, Cramer said, despite the fact they thought their contrarian trade would have been immunized against it.
It's Do or Die for U.S. Stocks
With major indexes rallying back to important short-term price ceilings, the stage is set for what may become the stock market's biggest collective decision of the summer.
Whether it is confirmation by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke that he will print more money or the pending elections in Greece, the news should spark a technical breakout or breakdown, respectively.
10 Reasons to Be a Bull, From a Stock Market Bear
Finding reasons not to like the current stock market doesn't take much work, as the faltering U.S. economy, European debt crisis and looming fiscal cliff makes the job pretty easy.
But devising a list to be bullish - after one dismisses the usual "stocks are cheap" and "best house in a bad neighborhood" platitudes - takes some work, especially if your natural inclination is that the market is heading lower.
The list:
•10. Corporations are managing risk and doing more with less. Yes, a form of the "stocks are cheap" argument, but with acknowledgement that a pullback in earnings would still leave companies in solid shape profit-wise.
•9. Consumer confidence is still high. Friday's numbers indicated that consumer sentiment is beginning to wane, but remains strong.
•8. Gas prices are trending lower. Sure, $3.52 a gallon is still high, but it's 20 cents lower than last month.
•7. Forget Facebook, the capital markets are still open "if highly selective." The social network's initial public offering was a flop, but other deals, including Thursday's Felda Global Ventures $3.1 billion IPO, are raising cash.
•6. Mortgage rates still falling. Home borrowing rates at record lows are dragging the industry off its bottom.
•5. Mom-and-pop investors are making money, but with bonds. While we've been bemoaning all those fund flows out of equities and into fixed income, it's worked out well for the retail crowd, which now has money it can use to buy stocks.
•4. The "Self-Correcting Election." Colas sees the presidential race between President Obama and Mitt Romney as a win-win: If Romney wins, the market gets a market-friendly president; if Obama wins it's because the economy has recovered sufficiently to justify his re-election.
•3. China is OK, at worst. Despite the talk about a hard-landing, that would still entail 7.5 percent or so growth. Not bad.
•2. Lots of Bears. High levels of market sentiment in either direction are generally considered contrarian signals. The mass of doubters indicates that market still has room to rise.
And...the top reason for being bullish:
•1. "The end of the world only happens once - Monday probably isn't the day." Through recessions and depressions, flashes and crashes, we seem to persevere. "For all the well-publicized challenges facing markets and investors, financial Armageddon is still an unlikely occurrence," Colas writes. "And even if it does happen, what are the chances you really have enough gold coins, freeze-dried food and double-aught buckshot anyway?
Speculators find opportunity in swing trading as low valuation attracts buyers but market fear encourages profit taking. The conflicting factors, in addition of hot money, creates turbulence in equity stock market. The currency and commodities market are also affected as hot capital is looking for investment return. Bond market is safe heaven in short or long term aspect. Liquidity in capital market is tremendous but only small fraction is driving the real economy through lending to facilitate business operation.
Market should remain range bounded as market participants are still very cautious. After the strong rebound, many investors will realize profit and wait for another opportunity. Smart traders and market manipulators have already taken profit when market hovers near bottom. There is not yet sign of turning optimistic. There are still many uncertainties and coming news to drag down market. Overall participation in market activities remains low among household investors. Hedge funds are gradually accumulating stocks due to net inflow of capital and attractive market valuation.

Goldman Sees a 29% Return From Commodities Over 12 Months
Goldman Sachs Group Inc. said it expects a 29 percent return from the Standard & Poor's GSCI Enhanced Commodity Index over the next 12 months, with the biggest gains in energy and base metals.
Policymakers in Europe will be able to contain the continent's debt crisis, while recovery in the U.S. and China is set to continue, Jeffrey Currie, head of commodities research in New York, said today in a report. Returns on energy investments may be 41 percent in 12 months, compared with 23 percent in base metals and 18 percent in precious metals, while agriculture is forecast to lose 14 percent in the period, according to the report.
"Although the macroeconomic backdrop still remains uncertain, particularly in Europe, we believe that the sell-off in commodity prices is likely overdone and the price risks are shifting more to the upside," Currie wrote.
Bond Bubble Dismissed as Low Yields Echo Pimco's New Normal
Mohamed El-Erian knows why bond markets from the U.S. to Germany to Brazil, where yields have dropped to record lows even though debt has ballooned to more than $40 trillion worldwide, aren't a bubble waiting to burst.
The average yield on bonds issued by the Group of Seven nations has fallen to 1.120 percent from 3 percent in 2007, Bank of America Merrill Lynch index data show. Germany's two-year note yield fell below zero for the first time on June 1, while Switzerland's has been negative since April 24, meaning investors are paying for the right to lend the nation money.
Yields on government securities in the U.S., Germany, the U.K., Austria, the Netherlands, Finland and Australia tumbled to all-time lows this month as Europe's debt crisis intensified, manufacturing worldwide slowed and unemployment in the U.S. unexpectedly rose.
"You're not talking about a bubble because a bubble is about greed," Jeffrey Rosenberg, chief investment strategist for fixed income at BlackRock Inc. in New York, which has $3.68 trillion under management, said in a June 6 telephone interview. "That's not a reflection of ‘I expect prices to go higher and I have to jump in,' that's a reflection of ‘I want to preserve my principal.' Negative yields reflect fear."
Pimco officials point to Japan, which has been in and out of recession since the mid-1990s, as what the new normal would look like. Even though it has the world's largest debt load at more than $11 trillion, Japan has some of the world's lowest bond yields because of years of below-average growth.
"In many ways, we are replicating the Japanese experience," George Magnus, senior economic adviser in London at UBS AG, said in a June 5 telephone interview. "Banks and households have become overextended, and now we know governments have also become overextended. The problem is that the deleveraging means people are saving more. There is no sufficient spending and lending to boost the economy."
Central banks, including the Fed, ECB and Bank of Japan, have helped soak up the extra supply as policy makers injected money into their economies by purchasing government securities. The balance sheets of the world's six biggest central banks have more than doubled since 2006 to $13.2 trillion, according to Chicago-based Bianco Research LLC.
"Yields are extremely low for a very good reason, and that's fear," Stuart Thomson, a money manager at Ignis Asset Management in Glasgow, which oversees about $115 billion, said in an interview on June 1. "I don't see us heading into a bear market."
Citizenship for sale: Foreign investors flock to U.S.
Facebook co-founder Eduardo Saverin drew public ire last month following the revelation that he had renounced his U.S. citizenship, a move widely seen as a tax dodge. But thousands of wealthy foreigners are lining up to replace him, making investments here and putting themselves on a path to citizenship in the process.
The State Department expects to issue over 6,000 "investor visas" in the current fiscal year, which would be an all-time record. Other countries, meanwhile, are following the U.S.'s lead, keen to spur growth in lean economic times.
Under the government's EB-5 Immigrant Investor program, foreign investors can get conditional visas that allow them and their families to live, work and attend school in the U.S. To qualify for the visa, they must invest at least $1 million in a new or recently created business, or $500,000 for businesses in rural or high-unemployment areas.
Demand shows no sign of slowing down, either. International travel, banking and communication have become increasingly easy, while Asia, in particular, is minting new millionaires at a rapid pace.
Foreign holdings of US debt hit record high
Foreign demand for U.S. Treasury securities rose to a record high in April. China, the largest buyer of Treasury debt, increased its holdings slightly after trimming them for two straight months.
Demand for Treasury securities has remained strong despite the first-ever downgrade of the government's debt last August. Standard & Poor's lowered its rating on long-term Treasury debt one notch from AAA to AA+ following a prolonged debate in Congress over increasing the nation's borrowing limit.
Last week, S&P reaffirmed that rating and said it was keeping a negative outlook on the rating for the future.
Is High Frequency Trading Ruining the Market?
High-frequency trading (HFT) is a market-skewing, artificial form of speculation that places undo pressure on already fragile markets, which, by doing so, increases the risk of another flash crash or something much worse. HFT accounts for over 50% of all trading volumes, further distancing individual investors from the market and eliminating virtually any link between valuation and market price.
These trades are all based on picking up the next penny of a stock's move. The programs look for any indication of direction—be it order imbalance, momentum tells, or whatever else can be jammed into an algorithm—and jumps in front of the trade. The goal is to buy a few thousand shares ahead of a tiny move, and then sell when the move arrives. Repeat the process millions of times a year and it adds up to real profits for HFT firms.
The high-frequency trades run amok because there is no longer a market maker (read: human) in the middle of the trading process. The function of matching every buyer with a seller is fully automated, eliminating what Saluzzi calls a "shock absorber" for stocks. As a result, too many program trades can create vacuums where prices lurch beyond where they otherwise might be, as the HFT merrily picks off market orders made by actual people.
Contrarian Investing? Forget About It, Cramer Says
In the investment world, a contrarian is someone who takes a position that differs from the majority. If a particular sector is "hated" by most investors, a contrarian might want to buy in. After all, if few investors like the sector, a contrarian thinks there are few people left to sell, making it immune to big declines.
Cramer noted many industrial managers said things were weaker than people thought thanks to fears over Europe's ongoing debt crisis, which means they didn't meet their earnings estimates. Upon hearing this, the few investors who owned industrials sold their shares. The industrial stocks got hammered.
So even the contrarians think that Europe's economy is only getting worse and they couldn't take the pain, Cramer said, despite the fact they thought their contrarian trade would have been immunized against it.
It's Do or Die for U.S. Stocks
With major indexes rallying back to important short-term price ceilings, the stage is set for what may become the stock market's biggest collective decision of the summer.
Whether it is confirmation by Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke that he will print more money or the pending elections in Greece, the news should spark a technical breakout or breakdown, respectively.
10 Reasons to Be a Bull, From a Stock Market Bear
Finding reasons not to like the current stock market doesn't take much work, as the faltering U.S. economy, European debt crisis and looming fiscal cliff makes the job pretty easy.
But devising a list to be bullish - after one dismisses the usual "stocks are cheap" and "best house in a bad neighborhood" platitudes - takes some work, especially if your natural inclination is that the market is heading lower.
The list:
•10. Corporations are managing risk and doing more with less. Yes, a form of the "stocks are cheap" argument, but with acknowledgement that a pullback in earnings would still leave companies in solid shape profit-wise.
•9. Consumer confidence is still high. Friday's numbers indicated that consumer sentiment is beginning to wane, but remains strong.
•8. Gas prices are trending lower. Sure, $3.52 a gallon is still high, but it's 20 cents lower than last month.
•7. Forget Facebook, the capital markets are still open "if highly selective." The social network's initial public offering was a flop, but other deals, including Thursday's Felda Global Ventures $3.1 billion IPO, are raising cash.
•6. Mortgage rates still falling. Home borrowing rates at record lows are dragging the industry off its bottom.
•5. Mom-and-pop investors are making money, but with bonds. While we've been bemoaning all those fund flows out of equities and into fixed income, it's worked out well for the retail crowd, which now has money it can use to buy stocks.
•4. The "Self-Correcting Election." Colas sees the presidential race between President Obama and Mitt Romney as a win-win: If Romney wins, the market gets a market-friendly president; if Obama wins it's because the economy has recovered sufficiently to justify his re-election.
•3. China is OK, at worst. Despite the talk about a hard-landing, that would still entail 7.5 percent or so growth. Not bad.
•2. Lots of Bears. High levels of market sentiment in either direction are generally considered contrarian signals. The mass of doubters indicates that market still has room to rise.
And...the top reason for being bullish:
•1. "The end of the world only happens once - Monday probably isn't the day." Through recessions and depressions, flashes and crashes, we seem to persevere. "For all the well-publicized challenges facing markets and investors, financial Armageddon is still an unlikely occurrence," Colas writes. "And even if it does happen, what are the chances you really have enough gold coins, freeze-dried food and double-aught buckshot anyway?
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
送完波餅送上樓 袁彌明吼中政黨主席 (原載《忽然一周》)
由全城注目的「狼豬大戰」,到創新高 18萬人參與六四燭光晚會,港人的政治意識愈來愈強。而一向大膽敢言的落選港姐袁彌明,由商界跳入政界,去年加入政黨「人民力量」,更揚言積極考慮參選區議會。
區議員席位尚未到手,一向野心大的袁彌明已有新目標,吼中「人民力量」的主席劉嘉鴻。周日( 3日),本刊拍得二人在銅鑼灣繑手行街。袁替男方選購恤衫時,更大方從後胸壓對方,之後二人又孖住返男方屋企,關係不言而喻。提到這樁政壇新戀情,袁彌明發揮政治智慧說:「另一半最緊要政治理念一致,但即使拍拖都唔會減低我從政嘅決心。」

袁彌明與劉嘉鴻到位於銅鑼灣的英國品牌「 Jack Wills」買恤衫。袁拿起一件紫色恤衫後,第一時間便放在劉身上度身。



據知,「人民力量」黨成員之一的袁彌明,近月與黨主席劉嘉鴻過從甚密,有不少黨員就指二人經常留守黨總部開會傾通宵,之後更孖住齊齊走。知情人士說:「佢哋傾到好夜至走,第二日又會約埋一齊返總部開會。佢哋好夾,劉主席未出聲 Erica(袁之洋名)已經知道佢需要啲乜。」上月的立法會拉布戰,有人就目睹劉嘉鴻對袁彌明關懷備至,態度儼如一對情侶,「成班黨員之前發起喺立法會門外聲援拉布,喺休息期間,劉主席主動除件西裝褸俾 Erica當被冚。」

近日袁彌明和劉嘉鴻經常孖咇上陣宣傳政綱。周日( 3日)兩人除在柴灣搞牙科保健講座外,周一( 4日)更聯同黃毓民到銅鑼灣街頭嗌咪為六四平反(右圖)。

袁彌明周日( 3日)下午要拍住劉嘉鴻到柴灣宣傳政綱,不過開工前,二人便先相約在銅鑼灣拍拖,第一站就去買男裝。記者發現袁彌明十分細心,為劉嘉鴻挑選合身恤衫時,經常幫他整理衫袖和衫領,十足女友咁款。記者當時聽到她溫柔地說:「都話你要揀中碼至啱㗎啦!再改短埋個袖就 fit曬!你鍾意嘅話,我送俾你啦!」趁男方換衫時,袁立即去收銀處俾錢。二人買完衫再漫步銅鑼灣街頭,此時袁熱情地挽著男方手臂。袁送衫之餘,亦送埋上門,與劉嘉鴻齊齊返回男方位於銅鑼灣的寓所。大概一小時後,二人齊齊落樓,出發到柴灣開工。
周二( 5日),記者致電袁彌明,她直認對劉嘉鴻有好感:「我有機會參選區議員,佢(劉嘉鴻)呢幾個月對我好重要。佢係一個好有才華嘅男人,我的確好仰慕佢。不過即使拍拖都唔會減低我從政嘅決心。」而劉嘉鴻則說:「我哋嘅政治理念相似,大家傾得埋,佢亦係一個細心、工作有衝勁嘅女仔。(拍拖幾耐?)依家想專注番事業先,其他嘢之後再講啦!」

今年 31歲的袁彌明, 05年參選港姐,兩年後和無綫決裂,正式轉型搞美容和飲食生意。近年袁彌明亦不時帶埋另一半出席電影首映,可惜兩段感情最終沒結果。


今年 36歲的劉嘉鴻,外形並不出眾,身高只有五呎六,體形略胖。不過劉學歷不錯,中文大學畢業的他,平時喜歡周遊列國兼聽古典音樂。劉嘉鴻去年出任「人民力量」主席,曾出戰大坑選區區議員,最終以大比數敗給新民黨。為了專心從政,他年初索性放棄年薪過百萬的基金精算師一職。
區議員席位尚未到手,一向野心大的袁彌明已有新目標,吼中「人民力量」的主席劉嘉鴻。周日( 3日),本刊拍得二人在銅鑼灣繑手行街。袁替男方選購恤衫時,更大方從後胸壓對方,之後二人又孖住返男方屋企,關係不言而喻。提到這樁政壇新戀情,袁彌明發揮政治智慧說:「另一半最緊要政治理念一致,但即使拍拖都唔會減低我從政嘅決心。」

袁彌明與劉嘉鴻到位於銅鑼灣的英國品牌「 Jack Wills」買恤衫。袁拿起一件紫色恤衫後,第一時間便放在劉身上度身。



據知,「人民力量」黨成員之一的袁彌明,近月與黨主席劉嘉鴻過從甚密,有不少黨員就指二人經常留守黨總部開會傾通宵,之後更孖住齊齊走。知情人士說:「佢哋傾到好夜至走,第二日又會約埋一齊返總部開會。佢哋好夾,劉主席未出聲 Erica(袁之洋名)已經知道佢需要啲乜。」上月的立法會拉布戰,有人就目睹劉嘉鴻對袁彌明關懷備至,態度儼如一對情侶,「成班黨員之前發起喺立法會門外聲援拉布,喺休息期間,劉主席主動除件西裝褸俾 Erica當被冚。」

近日袁彌明和劉嘉鴻經常孖咇上陣宣傳政綱。周日( 3日)兩人除在柴灣搞牙科保健講座外,周一( 4日)更聯同黃毓民到銅鑼灣街頭嗌咪為六四平反(右圖)。

袁彌明周日( 3日)下午要拍住劉嘉鴻到柴灣宣傳政綱,不過開工前,二人便先相約在銅鑼灣拍拖,第一站就去買男裝。記者發現袁彌明十分細心,為劉嘉鴻挑選合身恤衫時,經常幫他整理衫袖和衫領,十足女友咁款。記者當時聽到她溫柔地說:「都話你要揀中碼至啱㗎啦!再改短埋個袖就 fit曬!你鍾意嘅話,我送俾你啦!」趁男方換衫時,袁立即去收銀處俾錢。二人買完衫再漫步銅鑼灣街頭,此時袁熱情地挽著男方手臂。袁送衫之餘,亦送埋上門,與劉嘉鴻齊齊返回男方位於銅鑼灣的寓所。大概一小時後,二人齊齊落樓,出發到柴灣開工。
周二( 5日),記者致電袁彌明,她直認對劉嘉鴻有好感:「我有機會參選區議員,佢(劉嘉鴻)呢幾個月對我好重要。佢係一個好有才華嘅男人,我的確好仰慕佢。不過即使拍拖都唔會減低我從政嘅決心。」而劉嘉鴻則說:「我哋嘅政治理念相似,大家傾得埋,佢亦係一個細心、工作有衝勁嘅女仔。(拍拖幾耐?)依家想專注番事業先,其他嘢之後再講啦!」

今年 31歲的袁彌明, 05年參選港姐,兩年後和無綫決裂,正式轉型搞美容和飲食生意。近年袁彌明亦不時帶埋另一半出席電影首映,可惜兩段感情最終沒結果。


今年 36歲的劉嘉鴻,外形並不出眾,身高只有五呎六,體形略胖。不過劉學歷不錯,中文大學畢業的他,平時喜歡周遊列國兼聽古典音樂。劉嘉鴻去年出任「人民力量」主席,曾出戰大坑選區區議員,最終以大比數敗給新民黨。為了專心從政,他年初索性放棄年薪過百萬的基金精算師一職。
胞兄親證真癲 龍心歐洲衰強姦 (原載《FACE 東周刊》)

「維園霆鋒」龍心(真名林克霖),雖然行為怪雞神化,但因生得似謝霆鋒,加上講 嘢啜核,即成網絡紅人。唔知真癲定假傻 嘅龍心,最近因衰手多惹禍,先在今月 2日在香港人網節目《星期 5冇女 2》涉非禮中泰混血模仙樂都(吳堯堯)、再被有線《怪談》主持岑寶兒(阿夢)踢爆,有人在維園六四燭光晚會公然自瀆,龍心變女性公敵。
隨時惹官非的龍心,原來早年在保加利亞亦因涉及風化案件而入獄,他在 YouTube影片上稱被屈強姦兼遭囚犯毆打。上週六( 9日),龍心胞兄向本刊剖白弟弟病發情況,更無奈表示:「我 哋都想佢俾人醫。」
35歲、言行古怪的龍心於今年 4月在《城市論壇》自稱美國黑社會「福青幫」成員而「成名」,有指他擁碩士學歷兼曾在南非從事 IT工作,但有傳他因甩拖兼入獄而搞到精神有問題,身世超離奇。


自稱曾在 36個國家流浪 5年嘅龍心(左),在《星期 5冇女 2》中透露自己經常溝鬼妹,更在保加利亞撩鬼妹打野戰。


今月 2日龍心被邀上人網節目《星期 5冇女 2》做嘉賓,多次出言挑逗兼對仙樂都鬱手鬱腳,事後仙樂都報案被非禮,龍心反指女方博出位。之後又發生六四自瀆事件,兩位受害者都聲稱已經報警。
Monday, June 11, 2012
Sunday, June 10, 2012
Space tourists can hop on a flight in 2014, XCOR says
By Denise Chow
Thrill seekers looking for the ultimate rocket ride may soon turn that dream into a reality aboard a new suborbital spaceship, a winged rocket plane slated to start launching space tourists from California and a tiny Caribbean island by 2014.
The Mojave, Calif.-based XCOR Aerospace is developing the suborbital Lynx space plane to carry paying passengers to the upper reaches of the atmosphere, to altitudes up to and exceeding 62 miles (100 kilometers). XCOR is aiming to begin operational Lynx flights from California's Mojave Spaceport in 2013 and from the Dutch-controlled island of Curacao in the Caribbean a year later, said Andrew Nelson, XCOR's chief operating officer.
XCOR officials unveiled their launch targets Thursday during a news briefing here to announce a new partnership with Space Expedition Corp. (SXC, formerly Space Expedition Curacao), a Netherlands-based space tourism firm that will now act as the sales agent for future Lynx flights. The swanky event was held at the Park Avenue Armory, where artist Tom Sachs is currently showcasing his "Space Program: Mars" art installation on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
As part of the agreement, SXC will be responsible for selling seats aboard the Lynx space plane for flights departing from Mojave and from the picturesque island of Curacao, a territory that remains under the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

"Today, we are at the dawn of a new space age," Nelson told an audience that included officials from Curacao and the Mojave Spaceport, and Michael Lopez-Alegria, a former NASA astronaut and the current president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. "The old ways of government-designed space exploration are slowly drifting away, and a new commercial space industry is being born right before you."
XCOR's two-seat Lynx space plane is designed to carry one pilot and one passenger, making it an intimate and extremely personal journey, he added. The reusable vehicle will be capable of flying up to four flights per day, and is able to take off and land on a conventional airport runway.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the saying 'the sky is the limit' is something of the past," said Abdul Nasser El Hakim, Curacao's minister of Economic Development. "In Curacao, we say 'the space is the limit.'"
Watchmaker Luminox also recently announced a partnership with SXC to provide special timepieces for the firm's space tourists. The watches are being developed to withstand the G-forces that will be encountered during the flight.
A ride aboard Lynx will retail at $95,000, company officials said, which includes the cost of pre-flight training sessions to prepare passengers for the experience. While this may seem like a steep ticket price, it is still cheaper than the company's competitors, such as Virgin Galactic's $200,000 price tag for a seat aboard its SpaceShipTwo suborbital rocket plane.
Virgin Galactic is expected to carry out a series of critical tests later this year and could begin flying paying customers by the end of 2013, company officials have said.
By providing lower cost suborbital flights, XCOR and SXC are hoping to make commercial spaceflight more accessible to the public, said Michiel Mol, CEO of Space Expedition Corp. XCOR and SXC together have taken more than 175 reservations from clients eager to launch aboard the Lynx spacecraft.
"It's becoming available to all," Nelson of XCOR said. "Space, in a certain era, was something you saw and you were amazed (by), but perhaps you didn't feel like you were really going to be the one to participate in. But now, we can transfer ourselves into the faces and the names and the sights that we're seeing develop in front of us. I think it's going to revolutionize the way we view space, the way we approach space, the way we create new industries."
And as the development of commercial suborbital and orbital vehicles continues at an aggressive pace, the possibilities for this burgeoning private industry are limitless, said Rick Searfoss, a former NASA astronaut and space shuttle commander, and XCOR's chief test pilot.
"The world, in general, doesn't realize how quickly it will be upon us," Searfoss said. "We just don't know — we cannot imagine what this might lead to. Who knows where we might go, where we might be 20 to 30 years from now?"

Thrill seekers looking for the ultimate rocket ride may soon turn that dream into a reality aboard a new suborbital spaceship, a winged rocket plane slated to start launching space tourists from California and a tiny Caribbean island by 2014.
The Mojave, Calif.-based XCOR Aerospace is developing the suborbital Lynx space plane to carry paying passengers to the upper reaches of the atmosphere, to altitudes up to and exceeding 62 miles (100 kilometers). XCOR is aiming to begin operational Lynx flights from California's Mojave Spaceport in 2013 and from the Dutch-controlled island of Curacao in the Caribbean a year later, said Andrew Nelson, XCOR's chief operating officer.
XCOR officials unveiled their launch targets Thursday during a news briefing here to announce a new partnership with Space Expedition Corp. (SXC, formerly Space Expedition Curacao), a Netherlands-based space tourism firm that will now act as the sales agent for future Lynx flights. The swanky event was held at the Park Avenue Armory, where artist Tom Sachs is currently showcasing his "Space Program: Mars" art installation on Manhattan's Upper East Side.
As part of the agreement, SXC will be responsible for selling seats aboard the Lynx space plane for flights departing from Mojave and from the picturesque island of Curacao, a territory that remains under the Kingdom of the Netherlands.

"Today, we are at the dawn of a new space age," Nelson told an audience that included officials from Curacao and the Mojave Spaceport, and Michael Lopez-Alegria, a former NASA astronaut and the current president of the Commercial Spaceflight Federation. "The old ways of government-designed space exploration are slowly drifting away, and a new commercial space industry is being born right before you."
XCOR's two-seat Lynx space plane is designed to carry one pilot and one passenger, making it an intimate and extremely personal journey, he added. The reusable vehicle will be capable of flying up to four flights per day, and is able to take off and land on a conventional airport runway.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the saying 'the sky is the limit' is something of the past," said Abdul Nasser El Hakim, Curacao's minister of Economic Development. "In Curacao, we say 'the space is the limit.'"
Watchmaker Luminox also recently announced a partnership with SXC to provide special timepieces for the firm's space tourists. The watches are being developed to withstand the G-forces that will be encountered during the flight.
A ride aboard Lynx will retail at $95,000, company officials said, which includes the cost of pre-flight training sessions to prepare passengers for the experience. While this may seem like a steep ticket price, it is still cheaper than the company's competitors, such as Virgin Galactic's $200,000 price tag for a seat aboard its SpaceShipTwo suborbital rocket plane.
Virgin Galactic is expected to carry out a series of critical tests later this year and could begin flying paying customers by the end of 2013, company officials have said.
By providing lower cost suborbital flights, XCOR and SXC are hoping to make commercial spaceflight more accessible to the public, said Michiel Mol, CEO of Space Expedition Corp. XCOR and SXC together have taken more than 175 reservations from clients eager to launch aboard the Lynx spacecraft.
"It's becoming available to all," Nelson of XCOR said. "Space, in a certain era, was something you saw and you were amazed (by), but perhaps you didn't feel like you were really going to be the one to participate in. But now, we can transfer ourselves into the faces and the names and the sights that we're seeing develop in front of us. I think it's going to revolutionize the way we view space, the way we approach space, the way we create new industries."
And as the development of commercial suborbital and orbital vehicles continues at an aggressive pace, the possibilities for this burgeoning private industry are limitless, said Rick Searfoss, a former NASA astronaut and space shuttle commander, and XCOR's chief test pilot.
"The world, in general, doesn't realize how quickly it will be upon us," Searfoss said. "We just don't know — we cannot imagine what this might lead to. Who knows where we might go, where we might be 20 to 30 years from now?"
Friday, June 8, 2012
不滿新戲飛紙仔 Sammi 借病玩謝杜琪峯 (原載《忽然1週》)
鄭秀文、劉德華與杜琪峯合作的新戲《盲探》,早於去年尾開拍,但遲遲未有完整劇本,「飛紙仔」情況相當嚴重,令劇中男女主角劉華及 Sammi,怨聲載道。
據知 Sammi曾因「飛紙仔」問題,與杜 Sir吵過幾次。至於劉華,一早已訂下五、六月陪產及湊 B大計,見新片埋尾無期,即私下與 Sammi夾計。 Sammi為了老友,不惜做醜人,向杜琪峯攞一個月病假,理由係耳水不平衡要休息。
《盲探》原本計劃 8月完工,杜 Sir面對超支好頭痕,但自己唔著在先,局住冇聲出。

其實《盲探》早於去年已開拍,但因杜琪峯同時要飛去天津兼拍《毒戰》,搞到《盲探》遲遲未有完整劇本。杜琪峯更多次在現場突然改劇本,令《盲探》飛紙仔情況相當嚴重,至今都未拍好一半。今年初,知道自己將為人父的劉華,為怕《盲探》延誤,打亂他的湊 B大計,已經開始催杜琪峯交劇本。
有工作人員爆料:「拍《盲探》時,劉華一有空檔就打俾老婆,收工就即刻趕返屋企,錫老婆錫到 燶。試過有一日進度特別慢,劉華終於忍唔住,同杜 Sir講:『要快 啲搞掂喇,我怕之後真係好難俾期你。』」
杜琪峯為免兩頭唔到岸,去年 12月決定先趕起《毒戰》,之後才拍《盲探》。《毒戰》最終在四月底完成,而《盲探》就緊接 5月底復工,對剛為人父的劉華來說,本來相當及時。豈料《盲探》仍然未有完整劇本,搞到 Sammi同劉華兩位主角火都滾埋。

工作人員透露:「上年開拍時,因為跳拍及劇本多改動, Sammi同劉華好多時去到現場都唔係好知自己拍乜。試過有一場戲講 Sammi開槍打中劉華,但杜 Sir拍 嘅時候仲未度好場戲 嘅上文下理,只係講 咗句『我覺得咁樣好睇 噃!拍 咗先啦!』兩位阿哥阿姐惟有你眼望我眼。 Sammi開始有 啲脾氣,同杜 Sir呻話唔知場戲要俾咩表情,亦因為飛紙仔, Sammi已經三番四次出聲以示不滿。」
雖然未有完整劇本,但杜琪峯堅持五月尾開工,拍住 嚟改。可是近日 Sammi以耳水不平衡為由請咗個多月長假休息,《盲探》的拍攝進度於是一拖再拖。「 Sammi同劉華私底下溝通過,兩人都認為搞好曬個劇本至開工比較有效率。 Sammi亦好體諒劉華想多 啲陪妻女 嘅心情。其實 Sammi耳水不平衡 嘅情況唔算好嚴重,不過佢一心為老友爭取『產假』,於是咪將病情誇張,等劉華放多半個月。」
養病期間的 Sammi,清晨及晚上仍活躍上微博及 facebook,看來本月下旬《盲探》應該有望復工,不過預期在 8月完工就有點困難。
本刊致電投資拍《盲探》的寰亞電影及東亞娛樂的發言人梁小姐,她說:「係 Sammi親自向杜 Sir攞病假,我 哋都希望 Sammi可以休息一個月。(咁 8月埋唔到尾 噃!)公司會體諒,因為咁而超支都冇所謂。(一拖再拖係咪因為未有完整劇本?)其實一早有完整劇本,只不過杜 Sir精益求精,飛紙仔係佢 嘅習慣 嚟 啫!但以佢哋三個嘅關係,飛紙仔係冇問題。」至於杜 Sir電話未有人接聽。
有電影公司撐腰, Sammi為劉華甘做醜人兼得罪杜琪峯,都可以大事化小啦!
《孤男寡女》收得,造就了劉德華及 Sammi這一對銀幕情侶,兩人亦私交甚篤,乜都有偈傾。之後兩人拍杜琪峯執導的兩套電影亦大收,三部片香港票房合共收近一億元,成為票房神話。

00年《孤男寡女》 3500萬

01年《瘦身男女》 4000萬

04年《龍鳳鬥》 1500萬
6月 2日深夜,鄭秀文自稱因為不適而睡不著,但由 3日淩晨三時起,她就一連發了六個微博,最後一個更是早上十時發出。看來她雖然抱恙,但仍很有精力。

冧杜 Sir補鑊
鄭秀文都知衰,她見杜琪峯的《奪命金》包攬了大陸華語電影傳媒大獎的最佳導演、最佳男主角及最佳女配角,於是在微博上 like爆,又轉載了杜琪峯的得獎照片。

雖然病咗, Sammi都有更新 facebook向 fans報病情及多謝電影公司體諒。但從她的新相片看來,她不是太病啫!

《盲探》講述偵探劉華在一次行動中視網膜脫落導致失明,因此被迫提前退休。他從一次銀行搶劫案中認識了女警員鄭秀文,鄭秀文發覺劉德華的聽覺與嗅覺非常敏銳,就請求劉華幫助她破案。劉華劇中為人麻煩,又多怪癖,和著名美劇《神探阿蒙》( Monk)的男主角十分相似。

劉德華在《盲探》首次扮盲人,盲住 chok都難唔到佢

劉德華盲都有動作場面,仲可以射中對手,唔怪得連受傷 嘅 Sammi都大讚。
據知 Sammi曾因「飛紙仔」問題,與杜 Sir吵過幾次。至於劉華,一早已訂下五、六月陪產及湊 B大計,見新片埋尾無期,即私下與 Sammi夾計。 Sammi為了老友,不惜做醜人,向杜琪峯攞一個月病假,理由係耳水不平衡要休息。
《盲探》原本計劃 8月完工,杜 Sir面對超支好頭痕,但自己唔著在先,局住冇聲出。

其實《盲探》早於去年已開拍,但因杜琪峯同時要飛去天津兼拍《毒戰》,搞到《盲探》遲遲未有完整劇本。杜琪峯更多次在現場突然改劇本,令《盲探》飛紙仔情況相當嚴重,至今都未拍好一半。今年初,知道自己將為人父的劉華,為怕《盲探》延誤,打亂他的湊 B大計,已經開始催杜琪峯交劇本。
有工作人員爆料:「拍《盲探》時,劉華一有空檔就打俾老婆,收工就即刻趕返屋企,錫老婆錫到 燶。試過有一日進度特別慢,劉華終於忍唔住,同杜 Sir講:『要快 啲搞掂喇,我怕之後真係好難俾期你。』」
杜琪峯為免兩頭唔到岸,去年 12月決定先趕起《毒戰》,之後才拍《盲探》。《毒戰》最終在四月底完成,而《盲探》就緊接 5月底復工,對剛為人父的劉華來說,本來相當及時。豈料《盲探》仍然未有完整劇本,搞到 Sammi同劉華兩位主角火都滾埋。

工作人員透露:「上年開拍時,因為跳拍及劇本多改動, Sammi同劉華好多時去到現場都唔係好知自己拍乜。試過有一場戲講 Sammi開槍打中劉華,但杜 Sir拍 嘅時候仲未度好場戲 嘅上文下理,只係講 咗句『我覺得咁樣好睇 噃!拍 咗先啦!』兩位阿哥阿姐惟有你眼望我眼。 Sammi開始有 啲脾氣,同杜 Sir呻話唔知場戲要俾咩表情,亦因為飛紙仔, Sammi已經三番四次出聲以示不滿。」
雖然未有完整劇本,但杜琪峯堅持五月尾開工,拍住 嚟改。可是近日 Sammi以耳水不平衡為由請咗個多月長假休息,《盲探》的拍攝進度於是一拖再拖。「 Sammi同劉華私底下溝通過,兩人都認為搞好曬個劇本至開工比較有效率。 Sammi亦好體諒劉華想多 啲陪妻女 嘅心情。其實 Sammi耳水不平衡 嘅情況唔算好嚴重,不過佢一心為老友爭取『產假』,於是咪將病情誇張,等劉華放多半個月。」
養病期間的 Sammi,清晨及晚上仍活躍上微博及 facebook,看來本月下旬《盲探》應該有望復工,不過預期在 8月完工就有點困難。
本刊致電投資拍《盲探》的寰亞電影及東亞娛樂的發言人梁小姐,她說:「係 Sammi親自向杜 Sir攞病假,我 哋都希望 Sammi可以休息一個月。(咁 8月埋唔到尾 噃!)公司會體諒,因為咁而超支都冇所謂。(一拖再拖係咪因為未有完整劇本?)其實一早有完整劇本,只不過杜 Sir精益求精,飛紙仔係佢 嘅習慣 嚟 啫!但以佢哋三個嘅關係,飛紙仔係冇問題。」至於杜 Sir電話未有人接聽。
有電影公司撐腰, Sammi為劉華甘做醜人兼得罪杜琪峯,都可以大事化小啦!
《孤男寡女》收得,造就了劉德華及 Sammi這一對銀幕情侶,兩人亦私交甚篤,乜都有偈傾。之後兩人拍杜琪峯執導的兩套電影亦大收,三部片香港票房合共收近一億元,成為票房神話。

00年《孤男寡女》 3500萬

01年《瘦身男女》 4000萬

04年《龍鳳鬥》 1500萬
6月 2日深夜,鄭秀文自稱因為不適而睡不著,但由 3日淩晨三時起,她就一連發了六個微博,最後一個更是早上十時發出。看來她雖然抱恙,但仍很有精力。

冧杜 Sir補鑊
鄭秀文都知衰,她見杜琪峯的《奪命金》包攬了大陸華語電影傳媒大獎的最佳導演、最佳男主角及最佳女配角,於是在微博上 like爆,又轉載了杜琪峯的得獎照片。

雖然病咗, Sammi都有更新 facebook向 fans報病情及多謝電影公司體諒。但從她的新相片看來,她不是太病啫!

《盲探》講述偵探劉華在一次行動中視網膜脫落導致失明,因此被迫提前退休。他從一次銀行搶劫案中認識了女警員鄭秀文,鄭秀文發覺劉德華的聽覺與嗅覺非常敏銳,就請求劉華幫助她破案。劉華劇中為人麻煩,又多怪癖,和著名美劇《神探阿蒙》( Monk)的男主角十分相似。

劉德華在《盲探》首次扮盲人,盲住 chok都難唔到佢

劉德華盲都有動作場面,仲可以射中對手,唔怪得連受傷 嘅 Sammi都大讚。
Market Finds Support; Traders Retreat For The Moment
Equity stock market rebounds from bottom as expected in the last week. Investor confidence remains low but there is tremendous amount of capital in the market looking for opportunities. When market hits bottom, hot money flees to money market. Traders and market manipulators stop selling to beat down market and realize profit for the moment.
Although market appears to have support on bottom, there is not much buying from bargain hunters. Many market participants still prefer to hold cash on fear of a market collapse. The Euro zone crisis continues to weigh down market. Market participants are afraid that market manipulators will use the European sovereign debt crisis to drag down market. However the high cash level and low stock valuation discourages stock holders to dump shares for cash which provides mere return in a low interest rate environment.
Investors are still very cautious and hesitate to enter market despite sign of market stabilization. Investors confidence is low and market can be easily manipulated. The Euro zone crisis and US rating can be used as news by market manipulators to drive market to herd into fear.
When market fell in last year on US rating downgrade and European sovereign debt meltdown, some investors who sold early after market reached peak still made profit. However many investors who sold late after steep fall incurred significant loss. Fear of market meltdown created panic selling. Many investors suffered again after the 2008 financial crisis.
The same factors again come into existence lately. Learning from previous experience, market participants are pessimistic in market outlook. However, investors currently have the least percentage of holding in stocks since the financial meltdown in 2008 but with an increase of net worth from savings and wealth effect. Probability of panic selling is low unless market is shocked by unexpected catastrophe. Liquidity is ample due to Federal Reserve quantitative easing policy. Although the Euro zone crisis is worse than last year and Greece is close to default, traders and market manipulators are only selling selectively on bad news and do not aggressively short sell market as in last year when market participants herded into panic selling.
Market participants are waiting with patience to exploit the cash on hand. Traders and market manipulators incline to drag market down for profit while institutional and individual investors are ready to pick up bargain if market collapses.

Number of millionaires see a decline in wealth
The number of millionaires is on the decline in the United States, even as the number of wealthy individuals has increased worldwide.
The group expects to see more of the mega-rich crop up across Asia in the near future.
"Wealth in the region is expected to continue to grow at a double-digit rate... reaching $40.1 trillion by the end of 2016, at which time it will have slightly overtaken Western and Eastern Europe combined."
Market Rally Is Brewing, Don’t Get Scared Out of Stocks: Ilczyszyn
Rich Ilczyszyn, founder and CEO of iiTrader.com, says selling stocks here is dead, flat wrong. For one thing equities are the best alternative in a dodgy lot. The US 10yr has a 1.5% yield and stocks are down 10% in the last 2 months. If you haven't sold yet you missed your window.
Ilczyszyn says it's time to start looking for value plays. Once you find them he suggests "you have to put on your trading cap" and start buying. The concerns from the other side of the Atlantic are known and priced in to the point that almost any news will be regarded as positive.
Citing the IMF, G-7 and any other number of Central Bank meetings happening, this week Ilcyszyn says we're bound to hear something that stabilizes the market. More neutral news flow, coupled with a close back above the 200-day Moving Average at about 1,285 on the S&P500 would be "the green light."
Stay balanced in terms of risks, buy what you know in equities, and don't get scared out of stocks by the negative headlines. Be brave when others are fearful, in other words. It's conservative advice from someone wearing a trading jacket; maybe that's what makes it so good.
Return of the McMansion?
After trending down during the recession, new homes are getting bigger again, according to a recent report from the U.S. Census Bureau.
"We've been a little surprised that home size has been going back up again," says David Crowe, chief economist at the National Association of Home Builders.
"The customer who's buying a new home now is the only one who can get credit approval for a mortgage, [they are] economically comfortable and are therefore picking the house that they want," Crowe says. "We've essentially eliminated a customer that would've wanted smaller homes because that's all they could afford."
Although market appears to have support on bottom, there is not much buying from bargain hunters. Many market participants still prefer to hold cash on fear of a market collapse. The Euro zone crisis continues to weigh down market. Market participants are afraid that market manipulators will use the European sovereign debt crisis to drag down market. However the high cash level and low stock valuation discourages stock holders to dump shares for cash which provides mere return in a low interest rate environment.
Investors are still very cautious and hesitate to enter market despite sign of market stabilization. Investors confidence is low and market can be easily manipulated. The Euro zone crisis and US rating can be used as news by market manipulators to drive market to herd into fear.
When market fell in last year on US rating downgrade and European sovereign debt meltdown, some investors who sold early after market reached peak still made profit. However many investors who sold late after steep fall incurred significant loss. Fear of market meltdown created panic selling. Many investors suffered again after the 2008 financial crisis.
The same factors again come into existence lately. Learning from previous experience, market participants are pessimistic in market outlook. However, investors currently have the least percentage of holding in stocks since the financial meltdown in 2008 but with an increase of net worth from savings and wealth effect. Probability of panic selling is low unless market is shocked by unexpected catastrophe. Liquidity is ample due to Federal Reserve quantitative easing policy. Although the Euro zone crisis is worse than last year and Greece is close to default, traders and market manipulators are only selling selectively on bad news and do not aggressively short sell market as in last year when market participants herded into panic selling.
Market participants are waiting with patience to exploit the cash on hand. Traders and market manipulators incline to drag market down for profit while institutional and individual investors are ready to pick up bargain if market collapses.

Number of millionaires see a decline in wealth
The number of millionaires is on the decline in the United States, even as the number of wealthy individuals has increased worldwide.
The group expects to see more of the mega-rich crop up across Asia in the near future.
"Wealth in the region is expected to continue to grow at a double-digit rate... reaching $40.1 trillion by the end of 2016, at which time it will have slightly overtaken Western and Eastern Europe combined."
Market Rally Is Brewing, Don’t Get Scared Out of Stocks: Ilczyszyn
Rich Ilczyszyn, founder and CEO of iiTrader.com, says selling stocks here is dead, flat wrong. For one thing equities are the best alternative in a dodgy lot. The US 10yr has a 1.5% yield and stocks are down 10% in the last 2 months. If you haven't sold yet you missed your window.
Ilczyszyn says it's time to start looking for value plays. Once you find them he suggests "you have to put on your trading cap" and start buying. The concerns from the other side of the Atlantic are known and priced in to the point that almost any news will be regarded as positive.
Citing the IMF, G-7 and any other number of Central Bank meetings happening, this week Ilcyszyn says we're bound to hear something that stabilizes the market. More neutral news flow, coupled with a close back above the 200-day Moving Average at about 1,285 on the S&P500 would be "the green light."
Stay balanced in terms of risks, buy what you know in equities, and don't get scared out of stocks by the negative headlines. Be brave when others are fearful, in other words. It's conservative advice from someone wearing a trading jacket; maybe that's what makes it so good.
Return of the McMansion?
After trending down during the recession, new homes are getting bigger again, according to a recent report from the U.S. Census Bureau.
"We've been a little surprised that home size has been going back up again," says David Crowe, chief economist at the National Association of Home Builders.
"The customer who's buying a new home now is the only one who can get credit approval for a mortgage, [they are] economically comfortable and are therefore picking the house that they want," Crowe says. "We've essentially eliminated a customer that would've wanted smaller homes because that's all they could afford."
Thursday, June 7, 2012
我看人工智能辯論 李逆熵 (原載《二十一世紀》雙月刊)
我看人工智能辯論 李逆熵
數年前,我在一本名為《超人的孤寂》的科幻專論之中,談到“人工智能”(artificial intelligence,簡稱AI)的研究如何從被嘲笑轉為被重視。我當時是這樣寫的“科幻小說中的智能電腦和機械人被電腦界嘲笑了數十年,今天終於得以吐氣揚眉,好教世人知道誰是誰非。”然而,我接著寫道:“有關這方面的爭論在很長的一段時間裡仍不會停息……” 我當時不知道的是,就在我撰寫上述文字的時候(一九八六年),一場新的有關人工智能的激烈爭論,已經在西方學術界展開了。
這是一場新的爭論,因為無論自有科幻小說(十九世紀末)還是有電腦(一九四六年)以來,有關機器思維的爭論──也就是“擁AI”和“反AI”的爭論──實在沒有停息過。例如在六、七十年代,便有英國哲學家魯卡斯(JR Lucas)基於數理邏輯(特別是哥得爾Kurt Goedel 的不完備定理),以及美國哲學家德雷弗斯(Hubert Dreyfus)基於現象學的觀點對人工智能作出種種非難。令這一爭論在八十年代重新熱烈起來的,是一篇發表於一九八0年的文章《心靈、大腦與程序》(”Minds, Brains, and Programs”)。在這篇文章裡,美國加州柏克萊大學的哲學家西爾(John R. Searle)首次提出了他那著名的“中文字房實驗”(Chinese room experiment)有趣的一點是,這個實驗雖然從來沒有付諸實踐,但它所引起的爭論,卻比不少真正進行過的實驗還要多。
一九八0年的這篇論文,最先發表於專業學術期刊,因此未有引起廣泛注意。不久,西爾應劍橋大學邀請主講著名的“雷夫講座”(Reith Lectures),其中一講正以中文字房實驗為題。演講其後結集成書,名為《心靈、大腦與科學》(Minds, Brains, and Science)。透過這本小書,他的論點才開始引起注意。
當然,早在一九八一年,對中文字房理論的反駁已經出現了。 “擁AI”的主將霍夫斯塔(Douglas R. Hofstadter)繼震撼學術界的奇書《哥德爾、埃舍爾、巴哈:一條永恆的金帶》(Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid)之後,與哲學家鄧納(Daniel C. Dennett)合作,出版了可作為前書續篇的選集《心靈的我》(The mind's I),集中收錄了西爾首篇中文字房文章,也刊登了霍氏的反駁文章。霍氏和其他“擁AI”學者對西爾的反駁,大致可稱為“系統觀”或“層次觀”的理論。他們主要的論點是:所謂語法和語義的劃分,只是一個層次的問題。在一個較低的操作層次來看,我們可能的確只是看到語法;但從包括整個“字房系統”的高層次來看,我們必然無可避免地要涉及語義。
到了九十年代,著名的通俗科學雜誌《科學的美國人》以卷首位置同時刊登了兩篇針鋒相對的文章,即西爾的《大腦思維是電腦程序嗎? 》(”Is the Brain's Mind a Computer Program? ”〉和“擁AI”的丘卓倫夫婦(Paul and Patricia Churchland)的《機器能思想嗎?》(”Could a Machine Think?”)。這兩篇文章大體上仍集中於上述“語法”“語義”之爭,它們可以說是對“西爾論題”爭論的總結。
西爾這兒所用的意向性一詞,顯然是整場AI爭論的核心。不過我們常用的字眼,則是“自我意識”(self-consciousness)和“自由意志”(free will)。歸根結底,有關注的最大爭論是:我們終有一天可以造出一副擁有自我意識和自由意志的機器嗎?
一九五0年英國數學家圖林(Alan M. Turing)發表了一篇名為《計算機器與智能》(”Computing Machinery and Intelligence”)的經典文章,揭開了有關強AI命題爭論的序幕。雖然電腦在當時只出現了數年,但科學家和哲學家對“電腦能否思維?”這一問題己爭論不休。圖林有感在進行這項爭辯的時候,大家對思維的定義往往各不相同,於是執筆寫了這篇文章,提出了,著名的“圖林試驗”(Turing test),作為判定機器是否擁有思維能力的標準。
大部分的“強AI”擁護者對上述問題的答案其實是肯定的(否則他們也不會成為“強AI擁護者),只是他們一向不願意宣揚這觀點。為甚麼呢?因為這牽涉到一個形而上學的問題,很容易給人扣上“不科學”的帽子。因為“自我意識”這回事按其本質是永遠無法確立的。我固然知道我自己存在,亦即我有自我意識。但假如一副電腦向我們宣稱:“我知道我自己存在! ”我們有甚麼辦法去判定這一說話為真,而並非一些極其巧妙的程序所產生的結果呢?
誠然,一個個體是否擁有“自覺的心”(a self-conscious mind)可能是永遠無法確知的事情,但這正是整個問題的關鍵所在。如果迴避了這個問題,則所有關於AI的爭論就失去了意義。事實上,既然我們承認其他人有自覺心靈(唯我論者除外),那麼自然也不應懼怕談論機器是否可以有自覺心靈。畢竟,這才是我們心底里最關注的一點。
像時間起源一樣,自我意識可說是宇宙間一個深不可測的謎。千百年來,不少哲人智者都為解開這個謎而費盡思量。在哲學探求中,這便是著名的“心、物問題”以及“自由意志與決定論”這兩大課題,同時亦牽涉到本體論中唯物與唯心的古老爭論。究竟現代科學的進步,對上述這些問題帶來了甚麼新的啟示呢?這些啟示對“強AI”的追求又是好消息抑或壞消息呢?這些都是彭羅斯(Roger Penrose)在他的新作《皇帝的新心靈》(The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds and the Laws of Physics)中企圖回答的問題。現任牛津大學Rouse Ball數學講座教授的彭羅斯,是當代著名的數學家兼物理學家。七十年代,在研究黑洞時空結構的問題上,他曾經提出著名的“彭羅斯圖”(Penrose diagrams)這一分析工具。一九八八年,由於他在科學研究上的貢獻,曾與著名的物理學家霍金(Stephen Hawking)共同獲得吳爾夫獎(Wolf Prize)。
厚達四百五十頁的《皇帝的新心靈》是彭氏第一本科普著作。在書的前半部,他花了大量篇幅探討這樣一個問題:對真理(即使只局限於邏輯和數學上)的追尋,固定否可以用程式化步驟(algorithmic procedures)體現?引伸下來,也就是問:人的思維是否可以還原為不同的程式(algorithms),而最終歸結為電腦程序的運作呢?
與哲學家西爾一樣,數學家彭羅斯對上述問題的答案至終也是否定的。但較諸“中文字房實驗”的雄辯式非難,他對問題的分析深刻和全面得多了,其間涉及圖林機的休止問題、曼德布洛集(Mandelbrot set)與非遞歸(non- recursive)數學、希爾伯特的公理化綱領和哥德爾的不完備定理、可計算性和“複雜理論”的概念……其中最重要的,就是是否所有數學問題都可以“程式化”,即由一定和有限程序來決定。以著名的曼德布洛集和其他古典問題(例如二次不定方程Diophantine equation 的整數解)為例,他說明這是不可能的。
彭氏進一步大膽假設,這“缺環”可能與現代物理學中的兩大困惑有密切關係,這便是量子力學中有關“波函數塌縮”(collapse of the wave function)這一核心觀念所導致的種種有悖常識的後果,以及重力場還未能完全量子化而與自然界的其他基本作用力統一起來這一問題。
花了百分之八十篇幅探討上述問題後,彭氏提出了“一顆重力子判據”這項大膽假說。按照這判據,只要物質和能量分佈所導致的時空曲率達到一顆重力子的水平,量子力學中的線性疊加原理便會失效,而在其處的波函數便會發生“塌縮”, “歸約”成“本徵態”(eigenstate)。根據他和A. Ashtekar 的粗略估計,倘若這一判據成立的話,質量在10-7 克左右的粒子波函數都會“塌縮”,也就是說粒子的運動規律會接近經典理論。
事實大大不然。因為彭羅斯所否定的強命題,只局限於“程式的執行可產生意識”這一特定形式,而筆者所信奉的,卻是“人類終有一天可製造出一副擁有自我意識的機器”。至於這一目標如何能達到,當然有待不斷深化的科學研究。例如近年興起的連結主義(connectionism),便將研究重點,從電腦程序設計,轉移到神經網絡結構(neural nets)和自我學習機制的模擬方面了。從這個角度看,彭氏的觀點對人工智能的追求其實是好消息而不是壞消息。因為只要我們找到他所提出的“缺環”,便可以將“意識”的研究放到一個堅實的科學基礎之上。這對創造“機器意識”來說,當然是奠基性的一大步。
數年前,我在一本名為《超人的孤寂》的科幻專論之中,談到“人工智能”(artificial intelligence,簡稱AI)的研究如何從被嘲笑轉為被重視。我當時是這樣寫的“科幻小說中的智能電腦和機械人被電腦界嘲笑了數十年,今天終於得以吐氣揚眉,好教世人知道誰是誰非。”然而,我接著寫道:“有關這方面的爭論在很長的一段時間裡仍不會停息……” 我當時不知道的是,就在我撰寫上述文字的時候(一九八六年),一場新的有關人工智能的激烈爭論,已經在西方學術界展開了。
這是一場新的爭論,因為無論自有科幻小說(十九世紀末)還是有電腦(一九四六年)以來,有關機器思維的爭論──也就是“擁AI”和“反AI”的爭論──實在沒有停息過。例如在六、七十年代,便有英國哲學家魯卡斯(JR Lucas)基於數理邏輯(特別是哥得爾Kurt Goedel 的不完備定理),以及美國哲學家德雷弗斯(Hubert Dreyfus)基於現象學的觀點對人工智能作出種種非難。令這一爭論在八十年代重新熱烈起來的,是一篇發表於一九八0年的文章《心靈、大腦與程序》(”Minds, Brains, and Programs”)。在這篇文章裡,美國加州柏克萊大學的哲學家西爾(John R. Searle)首次提出了他那著名的“中文字房實驗”(Chinese room experiment)有趣的一點是,這個實驗雖然從來沒有付諸實踐,但它所引起的爭論,卻比不少真正進行過的實驗還要多。
一九八0年的這篇論文,最先發表於專業學術期刊,因此未有引起廣泛注意。不久,西爾應劍橋大學邀請主講著名的“雷夫講座”(Reith Lectures),其中一講正以中文字房實驗為題。演講其後結集成書,名為《心靈、大腦與科學》(Minds, Brains, and Science)。透過這本小書,他的論點才開始引起注意。
當然,早在一九八一年,對中文字房理論的反駁已經出現了。 “擁AI”的主將霍夫斯塔(Douglas R. Hofstadter)繼震撼學術界的奇書《哥德爾、埃舍爾、巴哈:一條永恆的金帶》(Goedel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid)之後,與哲學家鄧納(Daniel C. Dennett)合作,出版了可作為前書續篇的選集《心靈的我》(The mind's I),集中收錄了西爾首篇中文字房文章,也刊登了霍氏的反駁文章。霍氏和其他“擁AI”學者對西爾的反駁,大致可稱為“系統觀”或“層次觀”的理論。他們主要的論點是:所謂語法和語義的劃分,只是一個層次的問題。在一個較低的操作層次來看,我們可能的確只是看到語法;但從包括整個“字房系統”的高層次來看,我們必然無可避免地要涉及語義。
到了九十年代,著名的通俗科學雜誌《科學的美國人》以卷首位置同時刊登了兩篇針鋒相對的文章,即西爾的《大腦思維是電腦程序嗎? 》(”Is the Brain's Mind a Computer Program? ”〉和“擁AI”的丘卓倫夫婦(Paul and Patricia Churchland)的《機器能思想嗎?》(”Could a Machine Think?”)。這兩篇文章大體上仍集中於上述“語法”“語義”之爭,它們可以說是對“西爾論題”爭論的總結。
西爾這兒所用的意向性一詞,顯然是整場AI爭論的核心。不過我們常用的字眼,則是“自我意識”(self-consciousness)和“自由意志”(free will)。歸根結底,有關注的最大爭論是:我們終有一天可以造出一副擁有自我意識和自由意志的機器嗎?
一九五0年英國數學家圖林(Alan M. Turing)發表了一篇名為《計算機器與智能》(”Computing Machinery and Intelligence”)的經典文章,揭開了有關強AI命題爭論的序幕。雖然電腦在當時只出現了數年,但科學家和哲學家對“電腦能否思維?”這一問題己爭論不休。圖林有感在進行這項爭辯的時候,大家對思維的定義往往各不相同,於是執筆寫了這篇文章,提出了,著名的“圖林試驗”(Turing test),作為判定機器是否擁有思維能力的標準。
大部分的“強AI”擁護者對上述問題的答案其實是肯定的(否則他們也不會成為“強AI擁護者),只是他們一向不願意宣揚這觀點。為甚麼呢?因為這牽涉到一個形而上學的問題,很容易給人扣上“不科學”的帽子。因為“自我意識”這回事按其本質是永遠無法確立的。我固然知道我自己存在,亦即我有自我意識。但假如一副電腦向我們宣稱:“我知道我自己存在! ”我們有甚麼辦法去判定這一說話為真,而並非一些極其巧妙的程序所產生的結果呢?
誠然,一個個體是否擁有“自覺的心”(a self-conscious mind)可能是永遠無法確知的事情,但這正是整個問題的關鍵所在。如果迴避了這個問題,則所有關於AI的爭論就失去了意義。事實上,既然我們承認其他人有自覺心靈(唯我論者除外),那麼自然也不應懼怕談論機器是否可以有自覺心靈。畢竟,這才是我們心底里最關注的一點。
像時間起源一樣,自我意識可說是宇宙間一個深不可測的謎。千百年來,不少哲人智者都為解開這個謎而費盡思量。在哲學探求中,這便是著名的“心、物問題”以及“自由意志與決定論”這兩大課題,同時亦牽涉到本體論中唯物與唯心的古老爭論。究竟現代科學的進步,對上述這些問題帶來了甚麼新的啟示呢?這些啟示對“強AI”的追求又是好消息抑或壞消息呢?這些都是彭羅斯(Roger Penrose)在他的新作《皇帝的新心靈》(The Emperor's New Mind: Concerning Computers, Minds and the Laws of Physics)中企圖回答的問題。現任牛津大學Rouse Ball數學講座教授的彭羅斯,是當代著名的數學家兼物理學家。七十年代,在研究黑洞時空結構的問題上,他曾經提出著名的“彭羅斯圖”(Penrose diagrams)這一分析工具。一九八八年,由於他在科學研究上的貢獻,曾與著名的物理學家霍金(Stephen Hawking)共同獲得吳爾夫獎(Wolf Prize)。
厚達四百五十頁的《皇帝的新心靈》是彭氏第一本科普著作。在書的前半部,他花了大量篇幅探討這樣一個問題:對真理(即使只局限於邏輯和數學上)的追尋,固定否可以用程式化步驟(algorithmic procedures)體現?引伸下來,也就是問:人的思維是否可以還原為不同的程式(algorithms),而最終歸結為電腦程序的運作呢?
與哲學家西爾一樣,數學家彭羅斯對上述問題的答案至終也是否定的。但較諸“中文字房實驗”的雄辯式非難,他對問題的分析深刻和全面得多了,其間涉及圖林機的休止問題、曼德布洛集(Mandelbrot set)與非遞歸(non- recursive)數學、希爾伯特的公理化綱領和哥德爾的不完備定理、可計算性和“複雜理論”的概念……其中最重要的,就是是否所有數學問題都可以“程式化”,即由一定和有限程序來決定。以著名的曼德布洛集和其他古典問題(例如二次不定方程Diophantine equation 的整數解)為例,他說明這是不可能的。
彭氏進一步大膽假設,這“缺環”可能與現代物理學中的兩大困惑有密切關係,這便是量子力學中有關“波函數塌縮”(collapse of the wave function)這一核心觀念所導致的種種有悖常識的後果,以及重力場還未能完全量子化而與自然界的其他基本作用力統一起來這一問題。
花了百分之八十篇幅探討上述問題後,彭氏提出了“一顆重力子判據”這項大膽假說。按照這判據,只要物質和能量分佈所導致的時空曲率達到一顆重力子的水平,量子力學中的線性疊加原理便會失效,而在其處的波函數便會發生“塌縮”, “歸約”成“本徵態”(eigenstate)。根據他和A. Ashtekar 的粗略估計,倘若這一判據成立的話,質量在10-7 克左右的粒子波函數都會“塌縮”,也就是說粒子的運動規律會接近經典理論。
事實大大不然。因為彭羅斯所否定的強命題,只局限於“程式的執行可產生意識”這一特定形式,而筆者所信奉的,卻是“人類終有一天可製造出一副擁有自我意識的機器”。至於這一目標如何能達到,當然有待不斷深化的科學研究。例如近年興起的連結主義(connectionism),便將研究重點,從電腦程序設計,轉移到神經網絡結構(neural nets)和自我學習機制的模擬方面了。從這個角度看,彭氏的觀點對人工智能的追求其實是好消息而不是壞消息。因為只要我們找到他所提出的“缺環”,便可以將“意識”的研究放到一個堅實的科學基礎之上。這對創造“機器意識”來說,當然是奠基性的一大步。
Monday, June 4, 2012
【蘋果動新聞】維園霆鋒詐傻 非禮暴乳骨妹
節目甫開始,主持叫仙樂都好好服侍龍心,替他揼骨,龍心取笑仙樂都對他抽水,但轉頭他就捉住仙樂都隻手錫,仙樂都隨即縮手彈開。及後龍心像鬼上身般,一時自稱龍心438已死,現叫絕心426,一時又自稱成吉思汗二世成吉痴漢鐵木周,要求主持下跪,當仙樂都踎低扮跪時,龍心說:「係 XX,睇唔到嗰種呀!」再一次在言語上性騷擾仙樂都。




龍心又預告節目下半部會很精采,但他覺得仙樂都好「烚」,令自己的構思未必能成事,主持問想做甚麼,龍心說:「我諗住叫佢匿喺枱底幫我 XX。」龍心見她未有特別反抗,男主持又無着力保護,曾想出手再摸,但今次主持歷蘇說:「千祈唔好郁手郁腳!」龍心卻說:「關你 X事咩!佢又冇講!」仙樂都即刻連說三次「唔得呀」以示抗拒。
不受規管噏得就噏 記者事後致電人網創辦人蕭若元,蕭太代表蕭若元表示不知節目發生過甚麼事,要待他今日返工了解過後才可回答。至於節目話題大膽,蕭太謂因人網是網上電台,不受正統電台所受規管,故正是蕭若元所想要做的,一如電台口號「敢講至好聽」。

貌似霆鋒的龍心曾化身丐幫幫主在港鐵內施展媾女技術。 資料圖片

蕭太(左一)指要待蕭若元(左二)今天返工,才能了解事件。 資料圖片

【蘋果動新聞】屠城後第一幕 坦克照首曝光
89 年六四屠城,坦克車在凌晨時份駛進天安門廣場,清場過後,天安門廣場一帶的狀況,是一段空白的歷史。一幀由當日參與鎮壓軍人拍下的坦克照,近日首度曝光。軍人的視角,紀錄了數十輛坦克,排成最少五行,越過城樓,停靠在長安大街,炮嘴指向上前方。見證屠城暴行的記者看到該照片後感到震撼、不安,「總覺得呢 啲 事,唔係人類可以做得出」。記者:雷子樂
Saturday, June 2, 2012
Friday, June 1, 2012
Stock Market Wavers; Hot Money Flees To Bond Market
Equity stock market wavers on European debt crisis. Market participants are worry of contagion of fear on sovereign debt in Euro zone. Traders and market manipulators are exploiting the fear on Europe to drag down market. Market participants are cautious of further decline and have minimal desire to purchase stocks at current level.
Despite of tremendous hot money in the financial market, trading activities remain low in equity stock market. The European sovereign debt fear drives capital to safer bond market. On the other hand, market participants are overall low in equity stock exposure. Therefore, even traders and market manipulators have been selling the market down towards the bottom level in last year, institutional and individual investors do not follow in panic selling.
Market sentiment is pessimistic for investors and speculators contribute to the majority of trading activities. As a result, stock price is falling on impulse selling and is lack of buying support. Market participants are watching the portfolio shrinking in value but remain calm as the major investment component is either cash or equivalent, or the relatively safe treasuries and bonds.
From the point of market valuation, shorting stocks at current level is risky because the investment return is comparatively higher than other wealth assets. While market money is crowded in the fixed income market, it is not easy to create herd of selling to move market during trading session. Therefore traders and market manipulators use economic news to create jumping gap between sessions.
Unlike panic selling in last year, market manipulators do not have large short positions but use derivative products to speculate market movement. As fear among market participants escalate due to Euro zone crisis, investors are reluctant to increase stock holding in portfolio currently. On the other hand, as personal wealth grows, especially among the wealthiest individuals, the sideline money for potential bargain buying if market shows sign of bottoming would attract capital inflow into equity sock market.
It appears that market is following a repetitive pattern of peak and trough. Market starts to rise slowly and cautiously on investors pessimism. After the peak is reached, market then drops on unfavorable news and herd of selling and profit taking. In previous cycles, individual investors suffer the most as they sell high and buy low. In this cycle, individual investors have learned not to sell low but waiting to buy lower with the pile of cash on hand. When traders and market manipulators speculation end with market stabilization, it would be time for long term investors to enter the market. There is likely no short covering rally as few market participants including traders and market manipulators have heavy short positions. When speculative selling disappears, trickle buying would buoy market until smart money starts to push market higher.
Market is forming the bottom. Traders are looking for the timing to close short positions and take profit while cash holders are looking to buy for bargain. Although market is oversold, buyers are still very cautious and afraid of possible market collapse due to major event. Market participants are waiting for the signal which drives the herd from waiting to make purchase decision.

Housing Has Already Reached the Inflection Point: McBride
Tuesday morning, S&P reported that the Case-Shiller Home Price composite indices "posted their lowest levels since the housing crisis began in mid-2006." The National Index is off 35.1% from the peak in Q2 2006, and the 20-city composite index is off about 35% from the peak in early 2006.
At first glance this seems like more of the same, with house prices continuing to decline. However, the March Case-Shiller index is released with a significant lag to current prices, and there are several signs that prices may already be at or near a bottom. Wednesday's report from the National Association of Realtors that pending home sales fell 5.5 percent in April does not change this view, as this is just one month of data.
There are still downside risks, especially from the large number of properties with seriously delinquent mortgages. Lender Processing Services (LPS) recently estimated that 2 million properties are still in the foreclosure process and another 1.6 million borrowers are 90+ days delinquent. However, these properties are concentrated in a few states (mostly judicial foreclosure states with the exception of Nevada), and even with the mortgage servicer settlement, the resolution will take time since the courts are backlogged. So there probably won't be a "flood" of foreclosures in those states, just a steady stream.
Money flies out of Spain, regions pressured
Spaniards alarmed by the dire state of their banks are squirreling money abroad at the fastest rate since records began, figures showed on Thursday, and the credit ratings of eight regions were cut.
Spain is the next country in the firing line of the euro zone's debt crisis, with spendthrift regions and shaky banks threatening to blow a hole in state finances and pushing funding costs towards levels that signal the need for a bailout.
Bank of Spain data showed a net 66.2 billion euros ($82.0 billion) was sent abroad last month, the most since records began in 1990. The figure compares to a 5.4 billion net entry of funds during the same month one year ago.
Big Three auto sales roar in May
The top U.S. automakers continued their recovery in May, with all of the Big Three on Friday posting double-digit sales growth with the help of brisk demand and somewhat looser consumer credit.
“In spite of a tremendous amount of global economic uncertainty, the U.S. new vehicle sales industry continues to power ahead,” said Reid Bigland, president of the Dodge brand and head of U.S. sales. “Our May sales . . . represented our 26th-consecutive month of year-over-year sales growth.”
He added that the company is also “in the process of adding production capacity as quickly as possible to meet strong demand for our products.”
Despite of tremendous hot money in the financial market, trading activities remain low in equity stock market. The European sovereign debt fear drives capital to safer bond market. On the other hand, market participants are overall low in equity stock exposure. Therefore, even traders and market manipulators have been selling the market down towards the bottom level in last year, institutional and individual investors do not follow in panic selling.
Market sentiment is pessimistic for investors and speculators contribute to the majority of trading activities. As a result, stock price is falling on impulse selling and is lack of buying support. Market participants are watching the portfolio shrinking in value but remain calm as the major investment component is either cash or equivalent, or the relatively safe treasuries and bonds.
From the point of market valuation, shorting stocks at current level is risky because the investment return is comparatively higher than other wealth assets. While market money is crowded in the fixed income market, it is not easy to create herd of selling to move market during trading session. Therefore traders and market manipulators use economic news to create jumping gap between sessions.
Unlike panic selling in last year, market manipulators do not have large short positions but use derivative products to speculate market movement. As fear among market participants escalate due to Euro zone crisis, investors are reluctant to increase stock holding in portfolio currently. On the other hand, as personal wealth grows, especially among the wealthiest individuals, the sideline money for potential bargain buying if market shows sign of bottoming would attract capital inflow into equity sock market.
It appears that market is following a repetitive pattern of peak and trough. Market starts to rise slowly and cautiously on investors pessimism. After the peak is reached, market then drops on unfavorable news and herd of selling and profit taking. In previous cycles, individual investors suffer the most as they sell high and buy low. In this cycle, individual investors have learned not to sell low but waiting to buy lower with the pile of cash on hand. When traders and market manipulators speculation end with market stabilization, it would be time for long term investors to enter the market. There is likely no short covering rally as few market participants including traders and market manipulators have heavy short positions. When speculative selling disappears, trickle buying would buoy market until smart money starts to push market higher.
Market is forming the bottom. Traders are looking for the timing to close short positions and take profit while cash holders are looking to buy for bargain. Although market is oversold, buyers are still very cautious and afraid of possible market collapse due to major event. Market participants are waiting for the signal which drives the herd from waiting to make purchase decision.

Housing Has Already Reached the Inflection Point: McBride
Tuesday morning, S&P reported that the Case-Shiller Home Price composite indices "posted their lowest levels since the housing crisis began in mid-2006." The National Index is off 35.1% from the peak in Q2 2006, and the 20-city composite index is off about 35% from the peak in early 2006.
At first glance this seems like more of the same, with house prices continuing to decline. However, the March Case-Shiller index is released with a significant lag to current prices, and there are several signs that prices may already be at or near a bottom. Wednesday's report from the National Association of Realtors that pending home sales fell 5.5 percent in April does not change this view, as this is just one month of data.
There are still downside risks, especially from the large number of properties with seriously delinquent mortgages. Lender Processing Services (LPS) recently estimated that 2 million properties are still in the foreclosure process and another 1.6 million borrowers are 90+ days delinquent. However, these properties are concentrated in a few states (mostly judicial foreclosure states with the exception of Nevada), and even with the mortgage servicer settlement, the resolution will take time since the courts are backlogged. So there probably won't be a "flood" of foreclosures in those states, just a steady stream.
Money flies out of Spain, regions pressured
Spaniards alarmed by the dire state of their banks are squirreling money abroad at the fastest rate since records began, figures showed on Thursday, and the credit ratings of eight regions were cut.
Spain is the next country in the firing line of the euro zone's debt crisis, with spendthrift regions and shaky banks threatening to blow a hole in state finances and pushing funding costs towards levels that signal the need for a bailout.
Bank of Spain data showed a net 66.2 billion euros ($82.0 billion) was sent abroad last month, the most since records began in 1990. The figure compares to a 5.4 billion net entry of funds during the same month one year ago.
Big Three auto sales roar in May
The top U.S. automakers continued their recovery in May, with all of the Big Three on Friday posting double-digit sales growth with the help of brisk demand and somewhat looser consumer credit.
“In spite of a tremendous amount of global economic uncertainty, the U.S. new vehicle sales industry continues to power ahead,” said Reid Bigland, president of the Dodge brand and head of U.S. sales. “Our May sales . . . represented our 26th-consecutive month of year-over-year sales growth.”
He added that the company is also “in the process of adding production capacity as quickly as possible to meet strong demand for our products.”
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